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Friday, 24 June 2016

REVEALED!25 Things Women Wish Men Knew: The Secret Of What Women Want

25 Things Women Wish Men Knew:
The Secret Of What Women Want -

Boyfriends make the best of friends and amazing
lovers, but it goes without saying that sometimes
(okay, a LOT of the time) we think men could do
Familiar phrases
spring to mind;
'He never makes
enough effort',
'he's always with
his friends' and
'he never notices
me,' but as they
say, boys will be
boys. So we
decided to take a different approach in getting
him to understand by creating the ultimate
women's wish list (that we hope will make
things easier for man and womankind).
And while this is no lesson on how to treat a
lady it's a pretty accurate guide into what us
girls are really thinking. Boys, once you've read
this, you will have THE KNOWLEDGE. Use it
1. Small things count.
Some guys think all they have to do is surprise
us once and they’re set for life, but trust us,
we're keeping note. Why not pick-up our favorite
feel-good treat while you’re on your way home
this evening (clue, it's either wine, chocolate or
cheese) or buy us that new book we've been
talking about non-stop. Trust us, our
appreciation will show.
2. The E-word.
Effort (a word no man is unfamiliar with) is
always the hitch. Take out the trash, call us to
see how our day was or do something really
special for our anniversary. We're worth your
3. Confidence is hot, arrogance is NOT.
Every girl loves a man who’s comfortable in his
own skin. It makes us feel safe and protected and
nothing feels sexier than that. But arrogance?
We. Can’t. Stand. It.
4. Chivalry is not dead.
Be old fashioned from time to time - we freaking
love it. Pay on the first date, hold the door for us
and walk us to the front door. Promise, we won’t
call you stage-five clinger.
5. Don’t be a man-baby.
We’re nurturing, yes. Women love taking care of
their men and helping them out, but as soon as
we feel like we’re in mommy mode we want out.
Most guys are kids at heart, but if we’re doing
more than a bit of coddling (i.e. cutting your
food into little pieces) then there’s definitely a
BIG problem.
6. Listen and take interest.
After a hectic day all we want our man to do is
listen. Women like to talk and pour their feelings
out - it’s a well known fact. We confide in you,
because we trust you to make us feel better. So
please just mute the TV, put down your beer and
just listen dammit!
7. Be honest.
It’s true when they say honesty is the best
policy. Telling a fib might seem like a great idea
now, but women always find out and when we
do it ain't pretty. Most importantly, don’t cheat
and lie about it. That's just cowardly.
8. Make us a priority.
Women need to feel like they’re more important
than an Xbox. Of course men need to spend time
with their friends and have some down time, but
3rd place isn’t cool. If your girl doesn't feel like
she’s a priority then you're doing something very
wrong buddy.
9. Notice the small things.
Everyone wants to be noticed by their partner.
New hairstyle? New clothes? New dress size?
New bra? Say something to acknowledge our
effort, besides we (partially) did it for you!
10. Take it slow (in bed).
It can’t get any worse than a man finishing
before we've even started. Women take longer to
reach orgasm and foreplay is key - take your
time and don’t rush. Thank you.
11. Turning down sex is NOT a big deal.
More often than not, if we turn down sex, it
probably has nothing to do with you. We all
have our down days - exhaustion, stress, worry?
They’re all major mood killers. It happens - don't
take it personally.
12. Help us.
There’s nothing more irritating than a lazy man.
Try helping us out with household chores, the
school run and daily errands. It’s just as much
your responsibility as it is ours.
13. Sometimes we need 'me time'.
Most of the time you can’t get us to shut-up, but
sometimes we need a little ‘me time'. If your
woman seems relaxed and says nothing's wrong,
there probably isn’t. Chill out dude.
14. Learn to say sorry.
Stop being so stubborn! If it’s your fault and
you’re clearly in the wrong you owe it to us. Go
on, say the magic word. Sorry can go a long way
in relationships...
15. Sometimes we really do feel like sh*t.
Men think women are attention seekers most of
the time, but sometimes we actually do feel like
crap. Don’t forget those painful cramps,
headaches and PMS. Periods are hell to deal with
- give us a break.
16. Toilet humor.
While poo talk is comical at times sending us a
Snapchat of what you ate for dinner yesterday is
not our idea of a hot date. Enough said.
17. Take care of your hygiene.
Brushed your teeth? Showered? Deodorized?
You’re a grown ass man, just do it already.
18. Know yourself.
We need to be on the same page. If a man knows
what he wants and is self-assured they're a lot
less likely to seek fulfilment in pointless things
like getting wasted with mates and talking to 10
other chicks, (for which there's zero tolerance for
by the way).
19. Do not forget our anniversary or birthday.
There’s 365 days in a year and you only have to
remember 2 of them, that’s why we get pissed
off. Set a reminder on your phone, write it in
your planner or tell your mom if you have to
(just don't tell us you did), but whatever you do,
do NOT forget.
20. Respect us.
Some men don't value their partners as much as
they should. Love her like it's your last day,
appreciate her for all that she is and be grateful
for everything she does. Think about it.
21. Pinterest is your answer to everything.
Pinterest is your saving grace. It's a collage of all
the pretty things we wish we could have and it's
your job to make our dreams come true. Use it to
your advantage!
22. We're suckers for romance.
Never ask a girl if she wants flowers, or anything
in fact. The answer is simply YES. Of course we
do! Especially, if it's to do with rose petals,
candles, dinner and wine.
23. Cook us dinner.
There's nothing sexier than a man who knows
his way around the kitchen.
24. Things from the heart count.
If you've ever thought of making a super sweet
gift like a homemade card, scrapbook or a mixed
CD and thought, 'too cheesy', you're wrong! It's a
great way of speaking from the heart especially
since guys aren't always so good at it (verbally).
We're guaranteed to love it.
25. You can't live without us.
Men often take women for granted, but in reality
you're nothing without us! Who else would take
care of you? Play dress up? Make you a better
man? Just admit it.
Written by Vivian KELLY

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