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Saturday, 25 June 2016

Beware: If You Find Rubber Band At Your Door, This Is What It Means!

Beware: If You Find Rubber Band At Your Door, This Is What It Means!

There was a hard knock at her front door, not a regular knock but almost barging but then she didn’t feel right and did not answer the door as she was all alone. After several such knocks, they finally left. She glanced through the glass of the door and there was a man.

After about half-an-hour, she walked outside to look for what it was and found something really strange at her door. There was a rubber band around the knob of the door to hold the door open.

One day when Kim Fleming was all alone at her home…

She heard something strange, someone was at her door knocking really loud. It wasn’t usual, so she decided not to open the door.

She tried making out as to who was it, then figured a man through the stained glass of her door.

After an hour when the man was gone she decided to open the door.

When she opened the door, she found an elastic band covering her door lock and handle.


Yup, a new burglary technique.

And all they need is an elastic rubber band!

This technique is used by many professional thieves to ensure they unhinge and get inside the moment you unlock the door. The moment that door is open, they can burst in and attack you!


So make sure, while you are alone. Do not open the door.

Share this story with your near ones to make them aware!

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