10 Types of Men Women Should Never Tolerate
Here are the kind of guys you definitely should not put up with when it comes to relationships:
1. The noncommittal type
Not being able to commit to just you is a bad sign. It could mean a couple of things, all of which aren’t what you want. Another option is that he’s using you. He enjoys the attention and physical closeness, but that’s all he’s interested in. If this is the case, it’s probably time for a serious talk.
2. The angry type
You know, the guys that absolutely flip out over the most insignificant things. Constantly yelling at you is not appropriate. If he doesn’t handle conflict appropriately, it’s probably a good idea to steer clear until he shapes up.
3. The put-downers
You’re always the b*tt of a joke or the object of his disapproval. Don’t put up with a man that is always putting you down. He may not even notice or it may just be his “sense of humor.” Even if that’s true – especially if that’s true – he needs to change. Don’t put up with mistreatment.
4. The non-cummunicative type
Communication is absolutely, positively, irrevocably essential in a relationship. I cannot stress this point enough. If he is unwilling to communicate with you, it’s time for a talk. He should be capable and willing to talk to you about his feelings (even though men generally hate it). He should talk to you about concerns, successes and all that personal stuff.
5. The abusive type
This is a no-brainer. Abuse is completely unacceptable. Yes, there is always a place for forgiveness and progress – but that’s a situation you’re going to have to figure out with your significant other and someone more qualified than me. Be careful not to lie to yourself about the severity of the situation.
6. The unsatisfiable type
These are the guys that are constantly comparing you to other women. It seems like no matter how hard you try or how amazing you truly are, you’re never quite enough for him. He’s never satisfied with you. He destroys your self esteem. You feel horrible around him. The truth is, you’re amazing. He’s just a jerk.
7. The materialistic type
If he’s more in love with himself than he is with you, he might fit in this category. The consequences of materialism and narcissism become evident with time – and they’re not pretty. This is basically the adult version of that popular kid in high school that never ended up doing anything with his life. Make sure his priorities are straight before taking your relationship to the next level.
8. The manipulative type (the control freak)
Don’t play that game. If you notice him trying to manipulate your feelings, call him out on it. Guilt trips are inappropriate. Manipulators too often turn into control freaks, so unless you’d like to sacrifice your free will and your identity for this guy, avoid the manipulators.
9. The stalker type
This is the guy that is absolutely and overwhelmingly obsessed with you. He has to keep tabs on you all day, every day. He’s always with you, but even when he’s not, he still knows exactly what you’ve been up to. If he would tone things back to an attachment level five that would be cute, but he’s over 9,000 right now. Your man needs to respect that you’ve still got your own life to live, and he needs to chill out.
10. The jealous type
The stalker type and the jealous type usually come as a package deal. You can’t so much as look in the same direction as another guy without him freaking out. He forces you to completely cut off contact with your male friends, even though you know they pose no threat, avoid that guy.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Super Eagles Job: Amaju Pinnick Speaks Angrily on Le Guen's "Rejection"
Super Eagles Job: Amaju
Pinnick Speaks Angrily on Le Guen's
amaju pinnick naija news nff paul le guen
President of the Nigeria Football Federation, Amaju Pinnick is
livid over reports that Paul Le Guen turned down the Super
Eagles job offered him.
“The NFF had never offered him the job. Le Guen was only a
recommendation of the Technical and Development
Committee. The recommendation was subject to agreement
of the NFF Executive Committee,” he said according to Vanguard.
According to him, Le Guen wanted to stay in France and visit
Nigeria from time to time on specific assignments, which isn't
acceptable. He added that Le Guen isn't happy with the targets
laid down for him by the NFF.
“He didn’t like targets. In the past we set targets for Siasia, for
late Keshi and even Oliseh, why not him?” Pinnick queried.
“We do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past where
people were employed with so much expectations and they
ended up disastrously," he added.
Pinnick Speaks Angrily on Le Guen's
amaju pinnick naija news nff paul le guen
President of the Nigeria Football Federation, Amaju Pinnick is
livid over reports that Paul Le Guen turned down the Super
Eagles job offered him.
“The NFF had never offered him the job. Le Guen was only a
recommendation of the Technical and Development
Committee. The recommendation was subject to agreement
of the NFF Executive Committee,” he said according to Vanguard.
According to him, Le Guen wanted to stay in France and visit
Nigeria from time to time on specific assignments, which isn't
acceptable. He added that Le Guen isn't happy with the targets
laid down for him by the NFF.
“He didn’t like targets. In the past we set targets for Siasia, for
late Keshi and even Oliseh, why not him?” Pinnick queried.
“We do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past where
people were employed with so much expectations and they
ended up disastrously," he added.
Six Reseans why you need to brand your small Business
Six Reseans why you need to brand your small Business
Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the
value of a company, provides employees with direction and
motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. So
what exactly is a brand?
The short answer is: everything.
A brand represents the sum of people’s perception of a
company’s customer service, reputation, advertising, and logo.
When all of these parts of the business are working well, the
overall brand tends to be healthy. On the flip side, we all
probably know a company that offers excellent products or
services, but has a tarnished brand due to poor customer
Let’s take a look at the important ways a strong brand impacts
your business:
1. Branding Improves Recognition
One of major components of your brand is your logo. Think of
how we instantly recognize the golden arches of McDonalds or
the simple, but powerful eagle of the USPS. As the “face” of a
company, logo design is critical because that simple graphic
will be on every piece of correspondence and advertising. A
professional logo design is simple enough to be memorable,
but powerful enough to give the desired impression of your
2. Branding Creates Trust
A professional appearance builds credibility and trust. People
are more likely to purchase from a business that appears
polished and legitimate. Emotional reactions are hardwired
into our brains, and those reactions are very real influencers.
3. Branding Supports Advertising
Advertising is another component of your brand. Both the
medium chosen and demographic targeted for advertisements
builds a brand. Too narrow an advertising focus, and a
company risks being “pigeon holed” and losing their ability to
expand into new markets. Too broad a focus, and the
company fails to create a definable impression of the
company in the minds of would be customers.
4. Branding Builds Financial Value
Companies who publicly trade on a stock exchange are valued
at many times the actual hard assets of the company. Much of
this value is due to the branding of the company. A strong
brand usually guarantees future business. Whether a company
is in the position to borrow funds for expansion or rolling out
to an IPO, being perceived as more valuable will make the
process advantageous for the owner of the company. The
greater a company’s devotion to build its brand value, the
better the financial return from its efforts.
5. Branding Inspires Employees
Many employees need more than just work— they need
something to work toward. When employees understand your
mission and reason for being, they are more likely to feel that
same pride and work in the same direction to achieve the
goals you have set. Having a strong brand is like turning the
company logo into a flag the rest of the company can rally
6. Branding Generates New Customers
Branding enables your company to get referral business. Would
it be possible for you to tell a friend about the new shoes you
love if you couldn’t remember the brand? A large reason
‘brand’ is the word used for this concept is that the goal is an
indelible impression. As the most profitable advertising
source, word of mouth referrals are only possible in a situation
where your company has delivered a memorable experience
with your customer.
The most profitable companies, small and large, have a single
thing in common. They have established themselves as a
leader in their particular industry by building a strong brand.
Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the
value of a company, provides employees with direction and
motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. So
what exactly is a brand?
The short answer is: everything.
A brand represents the sum of people’s perception of a
company’s customer service, reputation, advertising, and logo.
When all of these parts of the business are working well, the
overall brand tends to be healthy. On the flip side, we all
probably know a company that offers excellent products or
services, but has a tarnished brand due to poor customer
Let’s take a look at the important ways a strong brand impacts
your business:
1. Branding Improves Recognition
One of major components of your brand is your logo. Think of
how we instantly recognize the golden arches of McDonalds or
the simple, but powerful eagle of the USPS. As the “face” of a
company, logo design is critical because that simple graphic
will be on every piece of correspondence and advertising. A
professional logo design is simple enough to be memorable,
but powerful enough to give the desired impression of your
2. Branding Creates Trust
A professional appearance builds credibility and trust. People
are more likely to purchase from a business that appears
polished and legitimate. Emotional reactions are hardwired
into our brains, and those reactions are very real influencers.
3. Branding Supports Advertising
Advertising is another component of your brand. Both the
medium chosen and demographic targeted for advertisements
builds a brand. Too narrow an advertising focus, and a
company risks being “pigeon holed” and losing their ability to
expand into new markets. Too broad a focus, and the
company fails to create a definable impression of the
company in the minds of would be customers.
4. Branding Builds Financial Value
Companies who publicly trade on a stock exchange are valued
at many times the actual hard assets of the company. Much of
this value is due to the branding of the company. A strong
brand usually guarantees future business. Whether a company
is in the position to borrow funds for expansion or rolling out
to an IPO, being perceived as more valuable will make the
process advantageous for the owner of the company. The
greater a company’s devotion to build its brand value, the
better the financial return from its efforts.
5. Branding Inspires Employees
Many employees need more than just work— they need
something to work toward. When employees understand your
mission and reason for being, they are more likely to feel that
same pride and work in the same direction to achieve the
goals you have set. Having a strong brand is like turning the
company logo into a flag the rest of the company can rally
6. Branding Generates New Customers
Branding enables your company to get referral business. Would
it be possible for you to tell a friend about the new shoes you
love if you couldn’t remember the brand? A large reason
‘brand’ is the word used for this concept is that the goal is an
indelible impression. As the most profitable advertising
source, word of mouth referrals are only possible in a situation
where your company has delivered a memorable experience
with your customer.
The most profitable companies, small and large, have a single
thing in common. They have established themselves as a
leader in their particular industry by building a strong brand.
Top 20 Lucrative Businesses in Nigeria That Make Millions of Naira
Doing business in Nigeria is currently viewed
as one of the most lucrative business
ventures, in today’s global business
environment. For the past 50 years Nigeria has
been dependent on its valuable oil resources,
which have brought great wealth to a select
few, but oil is not the only lucrative business
in Nigeria.
However, as Nigeria’s economic sphere slowly
changes, its economic structure diversifies to
overcome its dependency on oil. This shift has
opened up the playing field for a new
generation of entrepreneurs in Nigeria. People,
who can identify business opportunities in
Nigeria, know that the oil industry is not the
only business that you can enter and make
money from.
If you are thinking of setting up a business in
Nigeria and making millions of Naira from it,
you can choose from a variety of options.
Read and find out my Top 20 Lucrative
Businesses in Nigeria That Make Millions of
Top 20 Lucrative Businesses in
Nigeria That Make Millions of
1. Fast Food business – You need decent
customer service, management skills and
capital in order to set up an eatery and make
sure that everything runs professionally. You
can set out on your own and create your own
brand, or buy in to an already established
business franchise, such as Mr. Biggs.
2. E-commerce – This is a very promising
venture and the best thing is, you will have all
the tools and customers over the web. If you
do not have the required knowledge, you can
collaborate with an established firm to operate
your e-commerce enterprise. Benefits are –
Low start-up costs, changes can be made
instantly, the potential customer reach, and
you can easily measure results with cost
affective online marketing.
3. Construction business – Business is
booming in Nigeria, and so is our population.
To support this growth, Nigeria now has a
booming construction and housing sector. The
range, type and size of projects is huge, so
there are plenty of opportunities depending on
how much capital you can invest. If managing
a construction project isn’t for you, you can
set yourself up as a local dealer to supply
building materials. The investment is not as
huge, but considerable investment will be
required initially to buy and stock materials.
But you can be assured that there will be no
shortage of business.
4. Hotel business – This is a goldmine
industry if you can get it right, but the
competition in this sector is quite high. To
launch and maintain your hotel you will need a
large amount of capital. It takes planning,
patience and hard work to start a hotel
business. A high-level of customer service
skills is also required to attract new and
returning visitors.
5. Kerosene retail – You can set yourself up
as a supplier to make your millions quickly.
Kerosene is used in most homes in Nigeria,
and Africa due to inconsistent power supply.
This is one of the most lucrative business
opportunities in Nigeria. . Entrepreneurs have
been known to receive 100% returns on their
initial investment.
6. Rice farming – Is the most profitable area
in Nigerian agriculture. Nigeria has a low local
production of rice, but an extremely high
consumption rate, which leads us to import
the majority of our rice from overseas. Recent
reforms in the Nigerian agriculture sector have
seen the government open up the sector for
more investments to support small, medium
and large-scale farmers.
7. Haulage services – Given the poor rail
transport system in Nigeria, most of the goods
are shifted by road and this makes the haulage
business in Nigeria extremely lucrative.
8. Snail rearing – This is one of the business
ideas in Nigeria that needs low investment as
snails require simple vegetation to eat, and
they reproduce at an alarming rate. You will
need to invest in housing and protecting them,
as snails are delicate, and must retain their
moisture to survive. There is not much
competition in the industry and you can enjoy
making profits without many challenges.
9. Car and machinery spare parts – As
Nigeria’s economy grows, so does our
manufacturing industry. This has driven a rapid
increase for capital goods such as machinery,
lubricants, spare parts, ball bearings and other
mechanical goods and accessories. The key is
to find a good supplier from abroad. UAE-
based enterprises have emerged as the
leading supplier of these goods to many
countries in Africa.
10. Poultry farming – This is big business,
and you can begin with around 100 birds, and
build it into a large-scale enterprise within a
short period of time. You can make money
from selling chicken eggs, or chickens for
meat. This is a top business startup idea.
11. Transport business – Although a little
messy at present, it is a profitable sector in
Nigeria and can help you make millions
12. Fruit Juice Making – This is a capital-
intensive business, but if you can manage the
funds you can grow as big as Chivita or La
Carcella given how much Nigerians love their
fruit juice.
13. Tokunbo trade – Business of second hand
items in Nigeria is very lucrative and many
Nigerians want to spend as little as possible to
buy second hand items such as clothes
instead of buying new ones.
14. Dry Cleaning & Laundry – Float a
professional dry cleaning business and keep
your rates low and service quality quite high.
This type of business is especially profitable in
a big city, or urbanized area.
15. Pure Water Production – Although this
business needs some capital investment, it
can be worth your effort and money in the long
run particularly if you can manage pure water
production and keep the quality intact over a
long time. Your options are to sell as sachet,
bagged or bottled water.
16. Professional Car Wash – This can be a
good business if you choose a location like
Lagos where you will be able to find a number
of good cars.
17. Internet Business – You can provide fast
Internet connection at affordable monthly rates
and manage it well enough to make tons of
18. Nursery and Primary School – There is a
lack of good schools in the country and you
can set up high quality nurseries or primary
schools to make millions.
19. Online tech support – You can easily set
up an online tech support business and make
a lot of money within a year or two of your
business launch. This is a simple business
and you do not have to be a tech expert to
operate in this sector. I’ve known people set
up these types of businesses, and outsource
the work to tech professionals.
20. Furniture business – A lot of profits await
you in the buying and selling of furniture. You
do not have to be a carpenter to do this. You
can simply contact trustworthy carpenters in
your area and arrange a steady supply of
furniture items to display in your showroom.
This is a big scale enterprise due to the fact
that only a few people can afford imported
All of these business ideas have great
potential, and the ability to help you generate
millions, but remember the success is in the
planning , and your ability to execute your plan.
There are some key elements that you must
assess before committing to any business
venture. Once you have all of these elements
in place, you are only a few steps away from
business success.
as one of the most lucrative business
ventures, in today’s global business
environment. For the past 50 years Nigeria has
been dependent on its valuable oil resources,
which have brought great wealth to a select
few, but oil is not the only lucrative business
in Nigeria.
However, as Nigeria’s economic sphere slowly
changes, its economic structure diversifies to
overcome its dependency on oil. This shift has
opened up the playing field for a new
generation of entrepreneurs in Nigeria. People,
who can identify business opportunities in
Nigeria, know that the oil industry is not the
only business that you can enter and make
money from.
If you are thinking of setting up a business in
Nigeria and making millions of Naira from it,
you can choose from a variety of options.
Read and find out my Top 20 Lucrative
Businesses in Nigeria That Make Millions of
Top 20 Lucrative Businesses in
Nigeria That Make Millions of
1. Fast Food business – You need decent
customer service, management skills and
capital in order to set up an eatery and make
sure that everything runs professionally. You
can set out on your own and create your own
brand, or buy in to an already established
business franchise, such as Mr. Biggs.
2. E-commerce – This is a very promising
venture and the best thing is, you will have all
the tools and customers over the web. If you
do not have the required knowledge, you can
collaborate with an established firm to operate
your e-commerce enterprise. Benefits are –
Low start-up costs, changes can be made
instantly, the potential customer reach, and
you can easily measure results with cost
affective online marketing.
3. Construction business – Business is
booming in Nigeria, and so is our population.
To support this growth, Nigeria now has a
booming construction and housing sector. The
range, type and size of projects is huge, so
there are plenty of opportunities depending on
how much capital you can invest. If managing
a construction project isn’t for you, you can
set yourself up as a local dealer to supply
building materials. The investment is not as
huge, but considerable investment will be
required initially to buy and stock materials.
But you can be assured that there will be no
shortage of business.
4. Hotel business – This is a goldmine
industry if you can get it right, but the
competition in this sector is quite high. To
launch and maintain your hotel you will need a
large amount of capital. It takes planning,
patience and hard work to start a hotel
business. A high-level of customer service
skills is also required to attract new and
returning visitors.
5. Kerosene retail – You can set yourself up
as a supplier to make your millions quickly.
Kerosene is used in most homes in Nigeria,
and Africa due to inconsistent power supply.
This is one of the most lucrative business
opportunities in Nigeria. . Entrepreneurs have
been known to receive 100% returns on their
initial investment.
6. Rice farming – Is the most profitable area
in Nigerian agriculture. Nigeria has a low local
production of rice, but an extremely high
consumption rate, which leads us to import
the majority of our rice from overseas. Recent
reforms in the Nigerian agriculture sector have
seen the government open up the sector for
more investments to support small, medium
and large-scale farmers.
7. Haulage services – Given the poor rail
transport system in Nigeria, most of the goods
are shifted by road and this makes the haulage
business in Nigeria extremely lucrative.
8. Snail rearing – This is one of the business
ideas in Nigeria that needs low investment as
snails require simple vegetation to eat, and
they reproduce at an alarming rate. You will
need to invest in housing and protecting them,
as snails are delicate, and must retain their
moisture to survive. There is not much
competition in the industry and you can enjoy
making profits without many challenges.
9. Car and machinery spare parts – As
Nigeria’s economy grows, so does our
manufacturing industry. This has driven a rapid
increase for capital goods such as machinery,
lubricants, spare parts, ball bearings and other
mechanical goods and accessories. The key is
to find a good supplier from abroad. UAE-
based enterprises have emerged as the
leading supplier of these goods to many
countries in Africa.
10. Poultry farming – This is big business,
and you can begin with around 100 birds, and
build it into a large-scale enterprise within a
short period of time. You can make money
from selling chicken eggs, or chickens for
meat. This is a top business startup idea.
11. Transport business – Although a little
messy at present, it is a profitable sector in
Nigeria and can help you make millions
12. Fruit Juice Making – This is a capital-
intensive business, but if you can manage the
funds you can grow as big as Chivita or La
Carcella given how much Nigerians love their
fruit juice.
13. Tokunbo trade – Business of second hand
items in Nigeria is very lucrative and many
Nigerians want to spend as little as possible to
buy second hand items such as clothes
instead of buying new ones.
14. Dry Cleaning & Laundry – Float a
professional dry cleaning business and keep
your rates low and service quality quite high.
This type of business is especially profitable in
a big city, or urbanized area.
15. Pure Water Production – Although this
business needs some capital investment, it
can be worth your effort and money in the long
run particularly if you can manage pure water
production and keep the quality intact over a
long time. Your options are to sell as sachet,
bagged or bottled water.
16. Professional Car Wash – This can be a
good business if you choose a location like
Lagos where you will be able to find a number
of good cars.
17. Internet Business – You can provide fast
Internet connection at affordable monthly rates
and manage it well enough to make tons of
18. Nursery and Primary School – There is a
lack of good schools in the country and you
can set up high quality nurseries or primary
schools to make millions.
19. Online tech support – You can easily set
up an online tech support business and make
a lot of money within a year or two of your
business launch. This is a simple business
and you do not have to be a tech expert to
operate in this sector. I’ve known people set
up these types of businesses, and outsource
the work to tech professionals.
20. Furniture business – A lot of profits await
you in the buying and selling of furniture. You
do not have to be a carpenter to do this. You
can simply contact trustworthy carpenters in
your area and arrange a steady supply of
furniture items to display in your showroom.
This is a big scale enterprise due to the fact
that only a few people can afford imported
All of these business ideas have great
potential, and the ability to help you generate
millions, but remember the success is in the
planning , and your ability to execute your plan.
There are some key elements that you must
assess before committing to any business
venture. Once you have all of these elements
in place, you are only a few steps away from
business success.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Getting Motivated with Vincent Adeoba: Maximising your Potential
You're alive, that means you have infinite potential which you can maximize to make life better for yourself and those around you. *You can use your potential to build a legacy you will always be remembered for*.
You can do anything you want, make anything possible in your life once you believe and trust in God, you can dream anything and achieve it. If you can change your world, the world will change. And you can actually do it. The potential is you. You are the greatest creation of God endowed with greatness and abilities.
You have to maximize your potential now, once you're dead, it's gone. I mean it is all Over. *Once in the grave, you've made what you've made, dreamed your dream, written your name*. You may be buried here, you may even walk. But that potential finished. Do something great with your potential, *God did not give you potential to take it to the grave*. Be alive!
I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!!
*We are training Teachers and students in our four modules training that guarantees improvement in academic performance of students*. Contact us at Seravision Brooks on 08169126032 for your school.
You can do anything you want, make anything possible in your life once you believe and trust in God, you can dream anything and achieve it. If you can change your world, the world will change. And you can actually do it. The potential is you. You are the greatest creation of God endowed with greatness and abilities.
You have to maximize your potential now, once you're dead, it's gone. I mean it is all Over. *Once in the grave, you've made what you've made, dreamed your dream, written your name*. You may be buried here, you may even walk. But that potential finished. Do something great with your potential, *God did not give you potential to take it to the grave*. Be alive!
I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!!
*We are training Teachers and students in our four modules training that guarantees improvement in academic performance of students*. Contact us at Seravision Brooks on 08169126032 for your school.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Leicester City is delighted to announce that they have agreed a deal for the transfer of Ahmed Musa from CSKA Moscow for an undisclosed fee, subject to Premier League and FA approval.
- Musa hit 13 goals in 30 league games for CSKA last term
- The pacey striker becomes the Club’s fourth signing of the summer
The Nigeria international frontman, 23, has signed a four-year deal with the Premier League champions and is set to become the Club’s fourth signing of the summer, following the arrivals of Nampalys Mendy, Ron-Robert Zieler and Luis Hernandez.
Speaking to Foxes Player HD, Musa said:“I feel very happy joining Leicester City, for me it’s one of the best clubs and I feel very happy. I joined because it’s one of the best clubs in the Premier League and they are like a family. That’s why I joined Leicester City and I’m very excited.
“I look forward to seeing the fans in the new season and I will do my best to make them happy.”
Known for his electric pace and clinical finishing, Musa enjoyed his most productive season for CSKA Moscow yet in 2015/16, netting 13 goals in 30 Russian Premier League games to fire them to the Russian title.
Blessed with natural speed and agility, Musa can operate either on the wing or upfront and began to make his name while out on loan from GBS Football Academy at Nigerian outfits JUTH and Kano Pillars.
His impressive strike rate at the latter then saw him make the switch to Dutch side VVV-Venlo in 2010, as he went on to score eight times in 37 appearances before Russian giants CSKA Moscow secured his services two years later.
A four-year spell in the Russian Premier League followed, as Musa began to gain many admirers for his strike rate, quick footwork and versatility.
After netting 11 goals in 28 appearances in his debut season for CSKA, Musa hit double figures again for the second-consecutive season, again scoring 11 times 36 appearances in all competitions in the 2014/15 campaign.
The frontman’s strike rate on the international stage has also been productive for Nigeria, with 11 goals in 58 games, including a brace against Argentina at the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Having made his debut for Nigeria at the age of 17, Musa went on to make appearances in the World Cup, Under-20 World Cup, Africa Cup of Nations and Confederations Cup in a six-year long international career that continues to show promise.
- Musa hit 13 goals in 30 league games for CSKA last term
- The pacey striker becomes the Club’s fourth signing of the summer
The Nigeria international frontman, 23, has signed a four-year deal with the Premier League champions and is set to become the Club’s fourth signing of the summer, following the arrivals of Nampalys Mendy, Ron-Robert Zieler and Luis Hernandez.
Speaking to Foxes Player HD, Musa said:“I feel very happy joining Leicester City, for me it’s one of the best clubs and I feel very happy. I joined because it’s one of the best clubs in the Premier League and they are like a family. That’s why I joined Leicester City and I’m very excited.
“I look forward to seeing the fans in the new season and I will do my best to make them happy.”
Known for his electric pace and clinical finishing, Musa enjoyed his most productive season for CSKA Moscow yet in 2015/16, netting 13 goals in 30 Russian Premier League games to fire them to the Russian title.
Blessed with natural speed and agility, Musa can operate either on the wing or upfront and began to make his name while out on loan from GBS Football Academy at Nigerian outfits JUTH and Kano Pillars.
His impressive strike rate at the latter then saw him make the switch to Dutch side VVV-Venlo in 2010, as he went on to score eight times in 37 appearances before Russian giants CSKA Moscow secured his services two years later.
A four-year spell in the Russian Premier League followed, as Musa began to gain many admirers for his strike rate, quick footwork and versatility.
After netting 11 goals in 28 appearances in his debut season for CSKA, Musa hit double figures again for the second-consecutive season, again scoring 11 times 36 appearances in all competitions in the 2014/15 campaign.
The frontman’s strike rate on the international stage has also been productive for Nigeria, with 11 goals in 58 games, including a brace against Argentina at the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Having made his debut for Nigeria at the age of 17, Musa went on to make appearances in the World Cup, Under-20 World Cup, Africa Cup of Nations and Confederations Cup in a six-year long international career that continues to show promise.
Global Mirror : How to be a Freelance Writer in NigeriaDo you r...
Global Mirror : How to be a Freelance Writer in Nigeria
Do you r...: How to be a Freelance Writer in Nigeria Do you really want to be a freelance writer in Nigeria? Are you that verse in the world of writ...
Do you r...: How to be a Freelance Writer in Nigeria Do you really want to be a freelance writer in Nigeria? Are you that verse in the world of writ...
How to be a Freelance Writer in Nigeria
Do you really want to be a freelance writer in Nigeria? Are you that verse in the world of writing? Is your writing prowess up to standard? If yes, let’s embark on this little journey on how to be a freelance writer in Nigeria together. To be a writer is one thing, to know what to write is another thing.
Do you really know what to write? I ask you again. Do you write to impress or you write to express? To get fame or to get paid, just tell me at least, I need to know why you wish to write so much. To be a freelance writer in Nigeria you need to specify or let me say base your writing on a specific niche if really you want to be a renowned freelancer, being jack of all trade is something bad in writing and as such you may find it difficult to get a client who will be in need of your service.
If you have great passion for writing as a freelancer or let me say to get paid, then start writing instantly. There are some certain things you have to take cognizance of if you want to be one and I will definitely take my time again to explain them for you to your satisfaction.
I’m happy today to announce to you all that I’m a full-time freelance writer and I earn my money weekly and monthly. I surf the net and I write for bloggers and online journals though I still earn small but I’m on a mission of earning 100k plus per month, the mission is possible my dear. I’m looking after myself with the money I earn from my writing, I am a freelance writer who base his writing on business related issues but initially I wasn’t a business writer, my main niche was personal finance and online business.
It wasn’t funny at first when I started because you can imagine typing 850+ words with a phone, but today, from that same phone, I bought another brand new phone, a Toshiba laptop and a blog for myself. Freelance writing changed my life and financial condition.
Back to business, you don’t need to be engrossed with my story, you also have your own part to tell. The following though not exhausted are the steps you can trust on if you really want to be a freelance writer in Nigeria.
How to be a Freelance Writer in Nigeria
1. Choose your niche
You need to define your niche, settle for one categories of writing. If you write for leadership today and Education tomorrow you will have difficulties in getting a client. Before I start writing as a freelancer, I used to write on finance-I have more than enough articles in my anthology but a friend introduced me to this, when I get to know what I have to write about, I asked my client a question that, do you only need a business writer? He asked me which area of writing do I specialized on but I skipped the response because I know that if I want to be a freelancer I need to redefine my niche, from a finance writer to business writer and I’m loving it. I’m enjoying the stuff for real. If you want to be a freelance writer, stick to a particular niche that the market needs.
2. Guest writing
Your client will not come to your house and look for you but you will only be recognized through your contents or write-ups. There are some blog in Nigeria or website that give room for visitors to write, try any of them and post something unique there, from your writing prowess, client will start coming to you on their own interest.
There is this blogger in Nigeria that read one of my Facebook note and called me to be writing for him as a guest writer but I turned the offer down. Why? He admire my writing ability yet he needs me as a guest writer when I wanted to be a freelancer and earn money (the holy Bible says, “there is time for everything”, it was my time to start getting paid from my craft).
3. Be unique
You claimed to be a writer but your contents are 55% plagiarized, red everywhere, that is very bad of you. If you mean this business then youve been writing as a freelance writer my contents are always 98% unique if not 100% and that is what your client will always want from you.
You won’t be happy if the work you dedicated all your day to execute is being rejected by your client. To avoid this mess, you need uniqueness to be qualified as a freelancer.
4. Get a blog
Yes! Get one if you want to start a freelance writing. You may along the way get a client or introduce to one by a friend, he will need to know how good are you and to put his doubting to shame you will need to direct him to your blog. If you can’t get one for now, you can as well make use of your Facebook Note. That was how I started, I used Facebook Note and guest posting sites as my blog so I can build my writing portfolio.
If I had a client that needs me to write for him, I easily direct him to my Facebook Note and my guest post. That’s all, so simple!
First Published by Okon Joseph, on Enterprise boom.com
Do you really want to be a freelance writer in Nigeria? Are you that verse in the world of writing? Is your writing prowess up to standard? If yes, let’s embark on this little journey on how to be a freelance writer in Nigeria together. To be a writer is one thing, to know what to write is another thing.
Do you really know what to write? I ask you again. Do you write to impress or you write to express? To get fame or to get paid, just tell me at least, I need to know why you wish to write so much. To be a freelance writer in Nigeria you need to specify or let me say base your writing on a specific niche if really you want to be a renowned freelancer, being jack of all trade is something bad in writing and as such you may find it difficult to get a client who will be in need of your service.
If you have great passion for writing as a freelancer or let me say to get paid, then start writing instantly. There are some certain things you have to take cognizance of if you want to be one and I will definitely take my time again to explain them for you to your satisfaction.
I’m happy today to announce to you all that I’m a full-time freelance writer and I earn my money weekly and monthly. I surf the net and I write for bloggers and online journals though I still earn small but I’m on a mission of earning 100k plus per month, the mission is possible my dear. I’m looking after myself with the money I earn from my writing, I am a freelance writer who base his writing on business related issues but initially I wasn’t a business writer, my main niche was personal finance and online business.
It wasn’t funny at first when I started because you can imagine typing 850+ words with a phone, but today, from that same phone, I bought another brand new phone, a Toshiba laptop and a blog for myself. Freelance writing changed my life and financial condition.
Back to business, you don’t need to be engrossed with my story, you also have your own part to tell. The following though not exhausted are the steps you can trust on if you really want to be a freelance writer in Nigeria.
How to be a Freelance Writer in Nigeria
1. Choose your niche
You need to define your niche, settle for one categories of writing. If you write for leadership today and Education tomorrow you will have difficulties in getting a client. Before I start writing as a freelancer, I used to write on finance-I have more than enough articles in my anthology but a friend introduced me to this, when I get to know what I have to write about, I asked my client a question that, do you only need a business writer? He asked me which area of writing do I specialized on but I skipped the response because I know that if I want to be a freelancer I need to redefine my niche, from a finance writer to business writer and I’m loving it. I’m enjoying the stuff for real. If you want to be a freelance writer, stick to a particular niche that the market needs.
2. Guest writing
Your client will not come to your house and look for you but you will only be recognized through your contents or write-ups. There are some blog in Nigeria or website that give room for visitors to write, try any of them and post something unique there, from your writing prowess, client will start coming to you on their own interest.
There is this blogger in Nigeria that read one of my Facebook note and called me to be writing for him as a guest writer but I turned the offer down. Why? He admire my writing ability yet he needs me as a guest writer when I wanted to be a freelancer and earn money (the holy Bible says, “there is time for everything”, it was my time to start getting paid from my craft).
3. Be unique
You claimed to be a writer but your contents are 55% plagiarized, red everywhere, that is very bad of you. If you mean this business then youve been writing as a freelance writer my contents are always 98% unique if not 100% and that is what your client will always want from you.
You won’t be happy if the work you dedicated all your day to execute is being rejected by your client. To avoid this mess, you need uniqueness to be qualified as a freelancer.
4. Get a blog
Yes! Get one if you want to start a freelance writing. You may along the way get a client or introduce to one by a friend, he will need to know how good are you and to put his doubting to shame you will need to direct him to your blog. If you can’t get one for now, you can as well make use of your Facebook Note. That was how I started, I used Facebook Note and guest posting sites as my blog so I can build my writing portfolio.
If I had a client that needs me to write for him, I easily direct him to my Facebook Note and my guest post. That’s all, so simple!
First Published by Okon Joseph, on Enterprise boom.com
Getting Motivated with Vincent Adeoba
Conquering an enemy called average
The potential of an average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great purpose. An average person use between 5-10% of his potential throughout his or her life time.
What this means is that a lot of people died poor, unsuccessful, frustrated and as mediocre when they have 95% of their potential unused. What a tragedy!
Scientists said great geniuses that ever lived and whose achievements gave us all the changes we are seeing in the world today only used 20-25% of their potential.
See, you have no excuse, all you need to succeed is right inside you. You have more than what it takes to succeed right in you. Don't live to be impacted, maximize your potential to make impact in your world. I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!
Happy New Week!
Do you have anyone facing academic challenge?? Get my book *Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence* That is all the person need. Call 08169126032 to order your copy.
For adverts and product pranding contact 08085762123, or send us a Mail via watchidris@gmail.com
Conquering an enemy called average
The potential of an average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great purpose. An average person use between 5-10% of his potential throughout his or her life time.
What this means is that a lot of people died poor, unsuccessful, frustrated and as mediocre when they have 95% of their potential unused. What a tragedy!
Scientists said great geniuses that ever lived and whose achievements gave us all the changes we are seeing in the world today only used 20-25% of their potential.
See, you have no excuse, all you need to succeed is right inside you. You have more than what it takes to succeed right in you. Don't live to be impacted, maximize your potential to make impact in your world. I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!
Happy New Week!
Do you have anyone facing academic challenge?? Get my book *Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence* That is all the person need. Call 08169126032 to order your copy.
For adverts and product pranding contact 08085762123, or send us a Mail via watchidris@gmail.com
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Germany vs
France, Euro 2016 semi-final:
Griezmann fires France
to Euro 2016 final vs
Portugal with brilliant
Anyone who says history is an
irrelevant backdrop to these games
should have been here to witness the
intensity of Germany versus France:
the world champions against the hosts,
in game 50 of this sprawling
tournament, with two great traditions
at stake.
There has been much to commend this
European Championship, but few direct
clashes to bring butterflies to stomachs.
Germany v Italy was one, but Germany
v France was on another level, with a
final against Portugal awaiting this
collision of surely the two best teams in
France. Even the climate did its bit,
baking this coastal city and adding the
extra clamminess that comes with great
sport on hot summer nights.
The star of the show, Antoine Griezmann was
last to leave the pitch tonight and even took a
wee bow.
A lot of transfer gossip will follow
this performance with various Premier League clubs linked to him.
France, Euro 2016 semi-final:
Griezmann fires France
to Euro 2016 final vs
Portugal with brilliant
Anyone who says history is an
irrelevant backdrop to these games
should have been here to witness the
intensity of Germany versus France:
the world champions against the hosts,
in game 50 of this sprawling
tournament, with two great traditions
at stake.
There has been much to commend this
European Championship, but few direct
clashes to bring butterflies to stomachs.
Germany v Italy was one, but Germany
v France was on another level, with a
final against Portugal awaiting this
collision of surely the two best teams in
France. Even the climate did its bit,
baking this coastal city and adding the
extra clamminess that comes with great
sport on hot summer nights.
The star of the show, Antoine Griezmann was
last to leave the pitch tonight and even took a
wee bow.
A lot of transfer gossip will follow
this performance with various Premier League clubs linked to him.
Sallah tragedy in Lagos as container crushes 5
— 7th July 2016
By Christopher Oji
TRAGEDY struck yesterday at Alakija bus -stop, on the Lagos/ Badagry Expressway when a container fell off a truck, killing three commercial motorcyclists (okada riders) and two of their passengers.
The driver of the trailer marked KRD526XP was enroute Badagry when he ran into the bus EPE972XH.
The deceased have since been deposited in the morgue, while the injured were rushed to a nearby hospital .
A witness, Jubril Omolade, said: “Five persons died.I am an Okada rider. We were waiting for passengers at the bus-stop when the trailer rammed into a bus at the bus stop. I think the driver and the conductor had gone to eat, so, there was no passenger in the bus. The container on the truck fell off and killed three of our men and two passenger who were trying to board an Okada. One of my friends, Wasiu sustained serious leg injury”
Confirming the incident, General Manager, Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), Mr. Michael Akindele, said the agency deployed heavy duty equipment to remove the fallen container and the bus off the road.
The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Dolapo Badmos, said the force was investigating.
— 7th July 2016
By Christopher Oji
TRAGEDY struck yesterday at Alakija bus -stop, on the Lagos/ Badagry Expressway when a container fell off a truck, killing three commercial motorcyclists (okada riders) and two of their passengers.
The driver of the trailer marked KRD526XP was enroute Badagry when he ran into the bus EPE972XH.
The deceased have since been deposited in the morgue, while the injured were rushed to a nearby hospital .
A witness, Jubril Omolade, said: “Five persons died.I am an Okada rider. We were waiting for passengers at the bus-stop when the trailer rammed into a bus at the bus stop. I think the driver and the conductor had gone to eat, so, there was no passenger in the bus. The container on the truck fell off and killed three of our men and two passenger who were trying to board an Okada. One of my friends, Wasiu sustained serious leg injury”
Confirming the incident, General Manager, Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), Mr. Michael Akindele, said the agency deployed heavy duty equipment to remove the fallen container and the bus off the road.
The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Dolapo Badmos, said the force was investigating.
Discovering your purpose with Vincent Adeoba
Life is not just to be lived. It is to be useful, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference; that you have lived and lived for others. *All these can only be possible by discovering your purpose*.
The broom is useful when you are using it to sweep. Try to use it for something else? It can be totally useless. Everything was created on a purpose and for a purpose.
Nothing hastens success like discovering what you were created for. *If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it whole life believing that it is stupid*. Discover the unique you. You were created for something. I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!
My book *Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence* has transformed many students' academic performance and testimonies keep coming in every day on success stories of students as a result of reading the book. Call 08169126032 to order your copy.
*You are just a click away from corperdiary.com*
Eid Mubarak To Muslims All Over The World.
For submition of articles, contact 08085762123, or mail them to watchore2010@yahoo.com. At Global Mirrow, we believe in invention!
The broom is useful when you are using it to sweep. Try to use it for something else? It can be totally useless. Everything was created on a purpose and for a purpose.
Nothing hastens success like discovering what you were created for. *If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it whole life believing that it is stupid*. Discover the unique you. You were created for something. I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!
My book *Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence* has transformed many students' academic performance and testimonies keep coming in every day on success stories of students as a result of reading the book. Call 08169126032 to order your copy.
*You are just a click away from corperdiary.com*
Eid Mubarak To Muslims All Over The World.
For submition of articles, contact 08085762123, or mail them to watchore2010@yahoo.com. At Global Mirrow, we believe in invention!
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Earlier this year, Akothee set off a storm on Kenyan gossip forums as curious minds wanted to know about her wealth. The singer is thought to be one of the wealthiest celebrities in the country and her rapid rise to fame sparked rumours. Wagging tongues suggested that she got her wealth from a rich man and that she is part of the Illuminati. She was even accused of human trafficking. Just goes to show that there is still a long way to go before haters will stop saying horrible things about successful women. Akothee has quite a lot to teach us about life and business, get your pens ready.
It’s okay to have a rough start
Akothee left school aged 14 to marry the man she thought was the love of her life. In her own words, she came from a stable family but rebelled against expectations placed on her. She stayed at home, working as a housegirl for her mother-in-law over the course of seven years. All this while her husband was in school getting his degree. He would eventually leave her for another woman. It was after ten years of marriage that Akothee returned to school. She was 24 years old.
It is never too late to make a change in your life. A bumpy ride should not stop you from moving forward.
Nurture your inner hustler
After her divorce, Akothee moved from her village to Mombasa. There she learned how to drive and took to driving a taxi as part of her brother’s business. Yes, you read that right, she drove a taxi (some sources say it was a matatu). Akothee is known to be a great dancer and although she has made money from it, when she started she was dancing for free. It was others who suggested that she consider dancing as a business. She followed this advice and went on to earn a living as a professional dancer, dancing at high-end parties in cities across the world.
Write this down, you can make profit from doing something unconventional. Always persevere and like Akothee land on your feet not on your back.
Diversity is the spice of life
Looking at all the things Akothee does begs the question, what exactly is her side hustle? Is it her music? Is it her business? The parties she hosts? The acting she does on the side? On the business side of things, Akothee has admitted that her ventures fund her Instagram glamorous living. She is the woman behind Akothee Safaris, a travel agency and transport service (remember the taxi company mentioned above? It has now expanded to a fleet of cars and will soon acquire a private jet). She also owns as a 5 star boutique hotel in the coastal city Diani. In addition to this, she deals in real estate and property, buying and selling luxurious homes along the Kenyan coast.
These days, everyone is expected to find their niche and stick to it but Akothee shows us that you can choose to buck the trend.
You can be a mama and an entrepreneur
On top of managing all that showbiz and entrepreneurship, Akothee is a mother of five! She has said that having kids is a hobby and she won’t mind a number six. As a single mum, she’s both the mother and the father, add to this her diverse hustles and her as a person outside her celebrity status. Her children have seen her through all her struggles and respect her for it.
Akothee is a huge inspiration to single mums. You can be everything you want to be in addition to being a great mother.
It’s been said that her past European partners are the ones that gave her money but after studying Akothee’s entrepreneurial spirit, I’ll take that with a pinch of salt. Here’s to living life to the fullest while generating your own wealth!
Earlier this year, Akothee set off a storm on Kenyan gossip forums as curious minds wanted to know about her wealth. The singer is thought to be one of the wealthiest celebrities in the country and her rapid rise to fame sparked rumours. Wagging tongues suggested that she got her wealth from a rich man and that she is part of the Illuminati. She was even accused of human trafficking. Just goes to show that there is still a long way to go before haters will stop saying horrible things about successful women. Akothee has quite a lot to teach us about life and business, get your pens ready.
It’s okay to have a rough start
Akothee left school aged 14 to marry the man she thought was the love of her life. In her own words, she came from a stable family but rebelled against expectations placed on her. She stayed at home, working as a housegirl for her mother-in-law over the course of seven years. All this while her husband was in school getting his degree. He would eventually leave her for another woman. It was after ten years of marriage that Akothee returned to school. She was 24 years old.
It is never too late to make a change in your life. A bumpy ride should not stop you from moving forward.
Nurture your inner hustler
After her divorce, Akothee moved from her village to Mombasa. There she learned how to drive and took to driving a taxi as part of her brother’s business. Yes, you read that right, she drove a taxi (some sources say it was a matatu). Akothee is known to be a great dancer and although she has made money from it, when she started she was dancing for free. It was others who suggested that she consider dancing as a business. She followed this advice and went on to earn a living as a professional dancer, dancing at high-end parties in cities across the world.
Write this down, you can make profit from doing something unconventional. Always persevere and like Akothee land on your feet not on your back.
Diversity is the spice of life
Looking at all the things Akothee does begs the question, what exactly is her side hustle? Is it her music? Is it her business? The parties she hosts? The acting she does on the side? On the business side of things, Akothee has admitted that her ventures fund her Instagram glamorous living. She is the woman behind Akothee Safaris, a travel agency and transport service (remember the taxi company mentioned above? It has now expanded to a fleet of cars and will soon acquire a private jet). She also owns as a 5 star boutique hotel in the coastal city Diani. In addition to this, she deals in real estate and property, buying and selling luxurious homes along the Kenyan coast.
These days, everyone is expected to find their niche and stick to it but Akothee shows us that you can choose to buck the trend.
You can be a mama and an entrepreneur
On top of managing all that showbiz and entrepreneurship, Akothee is a mother of five! She has said that having kids is a hobby and she won’t mind a number six. As a single mum, she’s both the mother and the father, add to this her diverse hustles and her as a person outside her celebrity status. Her children have seen her through all her struggles and respect her for it.
Akothee is a huge inspiration to single mums. You can be everything you want to be in addition to being a great mother.
It’s been said that her past European partners are the ones that gave her money but after studying Akothee’s entrepreneurial spirit, I’ll take that with a pinch of salt. Here’s to living life to the fullest while generating your own wealth!
Barcelona superstar, Lionel Messi, has been handed a 21-month jail sentence for tax evasion, but is unlikely he will go to prison.
The player and his father, Jorge, were found guilty of three counts of tax fraud. Between 2007 and 2009, Messi and father failed to pay tax authorities €4.1million (£3.5m), which was tax on image rights earnings.
Jorge Messi absolved his son of any wrongdoing, with the 28-year-old claiming he did not “read the documents, but only signed them.”
Under Spanish law, a prison sentence under two years can be served on probation.
The court also ordered Messi to pay a fine of around £1.7m and his father to pay £1.27m.
Barcelona superstar, Lionel Messi, has been handed a 21-month jail sentence for tax evasion, but is unlikely he will go to prison.
The player and his father, Jorge, were found guilty of three counts of tax fraud. Between 2007 and 2009, Messi and father failed to pay tax authorities €4.1million (£3.5m), which was tax on image rights earnings.
Jorge Messi absolved his son of any wrongdoing, with the 28-year-old claiming he did not “read the documents, but only signed them.”
Under Spanish law, a prison sentence under two years can be served on probation.
The court also ordered Messi to pay a fine of around £1.7m and his father to pay £1.27m.
NEWS Breaking!!! Actress, Bukky Ajayi Is Dead
ByTemitope IdowuPosted on July 6, 2016.
Veteran Nollywood actress, Bukky Ajayi is dead as news reaching us confirms that she has passed on.
The actress died at the age of 82. Bukky Ajayi has acted in a lot of movies from English movies to Yoruba movies. She was recently honoured at the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards 2016. She was presented with the ‘Industry Merit Award’ alongside Sadiq Daba.
ByTemitope IdowuPosted on July 6, 2016.
Veteran Nollywood actress, Bukky Ajayi is dead as news reaching us confirms that she has passed on.
The actress died at the age of 82. Bukky Ajayi has acted in a lot of movies from English movies to Yoruba movies. She was recently honoured at the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards 2016. She was presented with the ‘Industry Merit Award’ alongside Sadiq Daba.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Getting Motivated with Vincent Adeoba
There are many reasons to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involve sacrificing immediate gratification for your dream. Leaving your comfort zone for something bigger than yourself.
*Courage sometimes involve giving up everything you have ever known or leaving some people for a while for the sake of something greater*.
It may entails forgiving yourself of your past mistakes and errors so as to have the strength to face the future. Courage is a virtue we can't do without if success must be achieved.
It is better to go after your dream with courage and fail than to allow fear of uncertainties to prevent you from taking bold steps toward your dream. Always go after life with courage and remember that the courageous dies but once. *I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story*.
Good Mornin
All you need to transform your students to genius is "Students' Academic Performance Improvement Seminar" Contact us at Seravision Brooks on 08169126032.You can also order for my best selling book "Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence via the same number.
*Vincent Adeoba is the Most Sought After Youth Motivational Speaker in Nigeria. To book him for speaking engagement, call 08169126032*.
*Courage sometimes involve giving up everything you have ever known or leaving some people for a while for the sake of something greater*.
It may entails forgiving yourself of your past mistakes and errors so as to have the strength to face the future. Courage is a virtue we can't do without if success must be achieved.
It is better to go after your dream with courage and fail than to allow fear of uncertainties to prevent you from taking bold steps toward your dream. Always go after life with courage and remember that the courageous dies but once. *I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story*.
Good Mornin
All you need to transform your students to genius is "Students' Academic Performance Improvement Seminar" Contact us at Seravision Brooks on 08169126032.You can also order for my best selling book "Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence via the same number.
*Vincent Adeoba is the Most Sought After Youth Motivational Speaker in Nigeria. To book him for speaking engagement, call 08169126032*.
When Mayorkun was born,I thought he wasn’t going to live”- Actress, Toyin Adewale reveals.
Mayorkun, son of popular Yoruba Actress, Toyin Adewale is a label signee to Davido Music Worldwide and has surely been living up to the hype that surrounded his signing as he’s gone on to huge acceptance in the Nigerian Music Industry.
His actress mum, Toyin Adewale has come out to reveal some deep thoughts that came up during his birth. Details of the interview will be updated shortly.
Mayorkun, son of popular Yoruba Actress, Toyin Adewale is a label signee to Davido Music Worldwide and has surely been living up to the hype that surrounded his signing as he’s gone on to huge acceptance in the Nigerian Music Industry.
His actress mum, Toyin Adewale has come out to reveal some deep thoughts that came up during his birth. Details of the interview will be updated shortly.
Monday, 4 July 2016
How To Use Your National Identity Card To Cash Out From Any ATM Worldwide
The National Identity Management Commission NIMC, is responsible for issuing out National ID Cards for Nigerians. Established by the NIMC Act No. 23 of 2007, the NIMC has the mandate to establish, own, operate, maintain and manage the National Identity Database in Nigeria, register persons covered by the Act, assign a Unique National Identification Number (NIN) and issue General Multi-Purpose Cards (GMPC) to those.
Many Nigerians have successfully received their National ID Cards, however, only a few care to more about their ID Cards. Obviously, the ID Card looks like an ATM Card, and in reality, it is a MasterCard which can be used worldwide to withdraw money from any ATM, irrespective of the country you are in.
In addition, the Nigerian government has also said that the National ID Card may be used as Visa acceptable by some countries. But that is a topic for another day because today, I will be discussing on the use of the National ID Card as ATM Cards, used to withdraw money from any bank in any country.
Access Bank of Nigeria is the sole bank currently powering the National Id Card. Below are the steps on how to load your National ID Card (MasterCard)
1. Visit any Access Bank branch with your card
2. Complete a deposit slip with the required information
3. Your card will be credited instantly with the value of cash paid
For cash payment where Card is not available
1. Visit any Access Bank branch with your card
2. Ensure you have the 16 digit card number information
ALSO READ Nigerian Dailies: Best Daily Newspapers in Nigeria- Top 10
3. Complete a deposit slip with the required information
4. The card will be credited with the value of cash paid
Before funding your Master Card, you need to activate it the same way you activated your normal ATM Cards issued to you from your respective banks. However, I activated mine (my National ID Card) at the point of collection. But just in case you have not done that yet and you wish to, you can follow the steps below on how to do that;
1. First, activate your card by selecting a 4-digit PIN using the POS terminal at the NIMC center or any Access Bank Branch
2. Next, visit any Access Bank ATM and insert your card. Go to the PIN change menu then select I-PIN on the display.
3. Select any 4- digits PIN of your choice and confirm on the ATM
4. A ”PIN Change Successful” message is displayed
5. When shopping online and MasterCard SecureCode is required, please provide the 4 – digits I-PIN.
The National Identity Management Commission NIMC, is responsible for issuing out National ID Cards for Nigerians. Established by the NIMC Act No. 23 of 2007, the NIMC has the mandate to establish, own, operate, maintain and manage the National Identity Database in Nigeria, register persons covered by the Act, assign a Unique National Identification Number (NIN) and issue General Multi-Purpose Cards (GMPC) to those.
Many Nigerians have successfully received their National ID Cards, however, only a few care to more about their ID Cards. Obviously, the ID Card looks like an ATM Card, and in reality, it is a MasterCard which can be used worldwide to withdraw money from any ATM, irrespective of the country you are in.
In addition, the Nigerian government has also said that the National ID Card may be used as Visa acceptable by some countries. But that is a topic for another day because today, I will be discussing on the use of the National ID Card as ATM Cards, used to withdraw money from any bank in any country.
Access Bank of Nigeria is the sole bank currently powering the National Id Card. Below are the steps on how to load your National ID Card (MasterCard)
1. Visit any Access Bank branch with your card
2. Complete a deposit slip with the required information
3. Your card will be credited instantly with the value of cash paid
For cash payment where Card is not available
1. Visit any Access Bank branch with your card
2. Ensure you have the 16 digit card number information
ALSO READ Nigerian Dailies: Best Daily Newspapers in Nigeria- Top 10
3. Complete a deposit slip with the required information
4. The card will be credited with the value of cash paid
Before funding your Master Card, you need to activate it the same way you activated your normal ATM Cards issued to you from your respective banks. However, I activated mine (my National ID Card) at the point of collection. But just in case you have not done that yet and you wish to, you can follow the steps below on how to do that;
1. First, activate your card by selecting a 4-digit PIN using the POS terminal at the NIMC center or any Access Bank Branch
2. Next, visit any Access Bank ATM and insert your card. Go to the PIN change menu then select I-PIN on the display.
3. Select any 4- digits PIN of your choice and confirm on the ATM
4. A ”PIN Change Successful” message is displayed
5. When shopping online and MasterCard SecureCode is required, please provide the 4 – digits I-PIN.
Breaking: CBN takes over Board of Skye Bank
The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, on Monday, took over the Board and management of Skye Bank Plc after the lender failed to meet the regulator’s minimum key liquidity and capital adequacy ratios.
The CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele, disclosed this at a press conference, held at the CBN’s head office in Lagos.
The CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele, disclosed this at a press conference, held at the CBN’s head office in Lagos.
Emefiele said the apex bank had appointed a new board and management for the bank following the resignation of the Chairman, Chief Tunde Ayeni, and Management Director/Chief Executive Officer, Timothy Oguntayo.
Details later...
The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, on Monday, took over the Board and management of Skye Bank Plc after the lender failed to meet the regulator’s minimum key liquidity and capital adequacy ratios.
The CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele, disclosed this at a press conference, held at the CBN’s head office in Lagos.
The CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele, disclosed this at a press conference, held at the CBN’s head office in Lagos.
Emefiele said the apex bank had appointed a new board and management for the bank following the resignation of the Chairman, Chief Tunde Ayeni, and Management Director/Chief Executive Officer, Timothy Oguntayo.
Details later...
5 Things To Do Everyday To Make More Money
Small business ideas, business plans, & tips for African entrepreneurs to start, run, & grow successful businesses.
5 Things To Do Everyday To Make More Money
How To Make More Money Everyday
Money is an important operating element for any business or individual. Whether it’s a strong motive to start a business or not, having an adequate volume of it in the bank or constantly generated as revenues is important to the overall growth and survival of your business.
There are several ways to make more money in your business. Most of these lead to dead ends, but some remain constant. The strategies that work use standing principles that many businesses have honed to perfection. And these principles remain valid till today.
See Also: 10 Lucrative Small Business Ideas That Will Make You The Next Millionaire
Here Are 5 Things To Do Everyday To Make More Money In Your Business
1). Earn More By Reducing Your Expenses:
Expenses dry up many businesses. Irrespective of a product not having a real market demand, expenses are the second top reasons small businesses fold up. When you cannot properly manage your expenses, your small business will suffer and eventually shut down.
If you’re trying to make more money for your business or your personal use, find the smartest ways to cut down heavily on your expenses. The lower the expenses you incur, the higher your profits turn out.
See Also: 5 Wealth Creation Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire
2). Spend Quality Time Helping A Customer:
Customers only care about businesses that care about them. By improving your customer service, paying more attention to customers needs, and treating your customers like the most important people in the world, they’d keep coming back to you.
A great experience gets talked about. People talk about businesses that are not just solving their problems, but are delivering exceptional customer service.
If you treat your customers right, they’d never forget how you made them feel and would spread word about your business to everyone they feel should benefit from your service.
3). Create Daily Content On Social Media:
By creating exciting and engaging content daily on social media, you keep your online prospects & fans engaged with your brand, and they feel more connected to your business.
Creative social media posts keep people reminded about your brand and what you stand for. If you can find amazing ways to make them lookout for your posts, trivia, or product promotions, you’d get them unconsciously paying for goods and services recurrently from you.
See Also: 6 Ways Social Media Will Help Your Business
4). Improve Your Product:
The reason your sales slow down or stop growing may be caused by the existence of a better version of your product been offered by a competitor.
What features are your competitors offering that you don’t? What’s more enticing about your competitors products? Why have customers stopped buying yours?
When people realise they can get weigh more at the current price they previously paid for a particular item, they’d feel more inclined to make a purchase.
A great example is the internet bundle competition between the telcos in Nigeria. When one creates an unbelievable deal from their internet bundles at a low price, a lot of people flock them to take advantage of it.
By improving the value your product delivers, at the existing price or a lower price, more people would feel inclined to make a purchase from you.
5). Increase Your Marketing Budget:
The easiest way to get more people to patronize your business is to increase your marketing budget. By doing this, you expose your products or services to a wider audience.
As more people that would need your services come across your marketing campaigns, overtime, they’d convert to customers and become brand loyalists if your customer service experience is exceptional.
What are your thoughts on these 5 things to do everyday to make more money in your business? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
Small business ideas, business plans, & tips for African entrepreneurs to start, run, & grow successful businesses.
5 Things To Do Everyday To Make More Money
How To Make More Money Everyday
Money is an important operating element for any business or individual. Whether it’s a strong motive to start a business or not, having an adequate volume of it in the bank or constantly generated as revenues is important to the overall growth and survival of your business.
There are several ways to make more money in your business. Most of these lead to dead ends, but some remain constant. The strategies that work use standing principles that many businesses have honed to perfection. And these principles remain valid till today.
See Also: 10 Lucrative Small Business Ideas That Will Make You The Next Millionaire
Here Are 5 Things To Do Everyday To Make More Money In Your Business
1). Earn More By Reducing Your Expenses:
Expenses dry up many businesses. Irrespective of a product not having a real market demand, expenses are the second top reasons small businesses fold up. When you cannot properly manage your expenses, your small business will suffer and eventually shut down.
If you’re trying to make more money for your business or your personal use, find the smartest ways to cut down heavily on your expenses. The lower the expenses you incur, the higher your profits turn out.
See Also: 5 Wealth Creation Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire
2). Spend Quality Time Helping A Customer:
Customers only care about businesses that care about them. By improving your customer service, paying more attention to customers needs, and treating your customers like the most important people in the world, they’d keep coming back to you.
A great experience gets talked about. People talk about businesses that are not just solving their problems, but are delivering exceptional customer service.
If you treat your customers right, they’d never forget how you made them feel and would spread word about your business to everyone they feel should benefit from your service.
3). Create Daily Content On Social Media:
By creating exciting and engaging content daily on social media, you keep your online prospects & fans engaged with your brand, and they feel more connected to your business.
Creative social media posts keep people reminded about your brand and what you stand for. If you can find amazing ways to make them lookout for your posts, trivia, or product promotions, you’d get them unconsciously paying for goods and services recurrently from you.
See Also: 6 Ways Social Media Will Help Your Business
4). Improve Your Product:
The reason your sales slow down or stop growing may be caused by the existence of a better version of your product been offered by a competitor.
What features are your competitors offering that you don’t? What’s more enticing about your competitors products? Why have customers stopped buying yours?
When people realise they can get weigh more at the current price they previously paid for a particular item, they’d feel more inclined to make a purchase.
A great example is the internet bundle competition between the telcos in Nigeria. When one creates an unbelievable deal from their internet bundles at a low price, a lot of people flock them to take advantage of it.
By improving the value your product delivers, at the existing price or a lower price, more people would feel inclined to make a purchase from you.
5). Increase Your Marketing Budget:
The easiest way to get more people to patronize your business is to increase your marketing budget. By doing this, you expose your products or services to a wider audience.
As more people that would need your services come across your marketing campaigns, overtime, they’d convert to customers and become brand loyalists if your customer service experience is exceptional.
What are your thoughts on these 5 things to do everyday to make more money in your business? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
7 Signs She's Taking You For A Ride
Girls are constantly in a situation where they have no idea of where they stand in the relationshipThey don’t know if the guy is in it for the long haul, for physical benefits (meh) or just to brag to his male friendsWe have all been in a situation like that. Sadly, it happens to the men too. Take a scenario where a guy bags a beautiful girl. His dream girl and I say that very matter-of-fact-ly! But then, the red flags begin to pop up one after the other and it dawns on the guy that she may not be in it for the long haul. For her, that’s just another average John to take for a ride while she awaits oh-my-God-he’s-everything-JohnDear man reading this, there’s no need to be with someone who is taking you for a ride. Dump her ass and move on to someone who actually appreciates you and treats you like the caring and kind gentleman you are.
Here are signs that you’re being taken for a ride:
1. She’s flaky a.f
You make plans but she constantly flakes on you. To her, you’re the last minute guy. She will only meet up with you when her better plans don’t work out.
2. She never takes photos with you:
Well don’t get me wrong. There are many reasons as to why some girls choose not to share too much of their personal life on social media such as to keep their private life private but if your girl doesn’t even take photos of the two of you at least to store in her phone, eer something is a mplace
3. You have never been to her house
4. You have never met any of her friends
The closest you have ever gotten to her friends and family is through ‘Friends you may know’ on Facebook. You only hear about all these partying shenanigans with ‘the girls’ whom you’re yet to meet. The reason why you haven’t met her friends is because you’re not the one for her.
5. She introduces you as ‘her friend’
If a girl is in a committed relationship, she will introduce you as her partner, boyfriend, man etc…if she introduces you as her friend. That’s all you are to her. If you both want different things, you might want to move on to someone that actually wants to be in a relationship with you before you get too attached and heart brokeyou
6. She never talks about the future with you
Cause she doesn’t see one with yalias
7. She has saved your number on her phone as an aalias
‘She doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you son!
Do yourself a favor and gerrahere mehn move on!
Girls are constantly in a situation where they have no idea of where they stand in the relationshipThey don’t know if the guy is in it for the long haul, for physical benefits (meh) or just to brag to his male friendsWe have all been in a situation like that. Sadly, it happens to the men too. Take a scenario where a guy bags a beautiful girl. His dream girl and I say that very matter-of-fact-ly! But then, the red flags begin to pop up one after the other and it dawns on the guy that she may not be in it for the long haul. For her, that’s just another average John to take for a ride while she awaits oh-my-God-he’s-everything-JohnDear man reading this, there’s no need to be with someone who is taking you for a ride. Dump her ass and move on to someone who actually appreciates you and treats you like the caring and kind gentleman you are.
Here are signs that you’re being taken for a ride:
1. She’s flaky a.f
You make plans but she constantly flakes on you. To her, you’re the last minute guy. She will only meet up with you when her better plans don’t work out.
2. She never takes photos with you:
Well don’t get me wrong. There are many reasons as to why some girls choose not to share too much of their personal life on social media such as to keep their private life private but if your girl doesn’t even take photos of the two of you at least to store in her phone, eer something is a mplace
3. You have never been to her house
4. You have never met any of her friends
The closest you have ever gotten to her friends and family is through ‘Friends you may know’ on Facebook. You only hear about all these partying shenanigans with ‘the girls’ whom you’re yet to meet. The reason why you haven’t met her friends is because you’re not the one for her.
5. She introduces you as ‘her friend’
If a girl is in a committed relationship, she will introduce you as her partner, boyfriend, man etc…if she introduces you as her friend. That’s all you are to her. If you both want different things, you might want to move on to someone that actually wants to be in a relationship with you before you get too attached and heart brokeyou
6. She never talks about the future with you
Cause she doesn’t see one with yalias
7. She has saved your number on her phone as an aalias
‘She doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you son!
Do yourself a favor and gerrahere mehn move on!
BREAKING: Buhari appoints Baru as new GMD of NNPC
July 4, 2016
Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja
President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday approved the appointment of of Dr. Maikanti Kacalla Baru as the new Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
The appointment was contained in a statement by the President’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina.
With the latest appointment, Baru replaced Dr. Ibe Kachikwu who has been doubling as the Minister of State, Petroleum Resources and GMD, NNPC.
Buhari also approved the composition of the Board of the NNPC as provided for under Section 1(2) of the corporation Act of 1997, as amended.
The new board has Kachikwu as its chairman, while the Chief of Staff to the President, Abba Kyari, is also a member.
Apart from Kachikwu, Baru and Kyari, other members of the board are the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; Dr. Thomas M.A John; Dr. Pius O. Akinyelure; Dr. Tajuddeen Umar; Mallam Mohammed Lawal, and Mallam Yusuf Lawal.
According to the statement, Buhari urged the new board to ensure the successful delivery of the mandate of the NNPC, “and serve the nation by upholding the public trust placed on them in managing this critical national asset.”
July 4, 2016
Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja
President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday approved the appointment of of Dr. Maikanti Kacalla Baru as the new Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
The appointment was contained in a statement by the President’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina.
With the latest appointment, Baru replaced Dr. Ibe Kachikwu who has been doubling as the Minister of State, Petroleum Resources and GMD, NNPC.
Buhari also approved the composition of the Board of the NNPC as provided for under Section 1(2) of the corporation Act of 1997, as amended.
The new board has Kachikwu as its chairman, while the Chief of Staff to the President, Abba Kyari, is also a member.
Apart from Kachikwu, Baru and Kyari, other members of the board are the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; Dr. Thomas M.A John; Dr. Pius O. Akinyelure; Dr. Tajuddeen Umar; Mallam Mohammed Lawal, and Mallam Yusuf Lawal.
According to the statement, Buhari urged the new board to ensure the successful delivery of the mandate of the NNPC, “and serve the nation by upholding the public trust placed on them in managing this critical national asset.”
Getting Motivated with Vincent Adeoba this Morning
The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest challenge is to be happy with what you find.
Shifting your focus to the positive can dramatically improve your happiness and self-esteem.
*No matter where you are and what you are now, your focus can be shifted to something positive by spending a few minutes a day focusing on youself and what you can do to make your life better*.
There are lessons in every opportunity missed and taken, in every single person we encounter in our lives. Life will always offer you what you want if you will stay positive in every challenge. I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!
For "Students' Academic Performance Improvement Seminar" Contact us at Seravision Brooks on 08169126032. You can also order for my best selling book "Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence" via the same number.
*Vincent Adeoba is the Most Sought After Youth Motivational Speaker in Nigeria. To book him for speaking engagement, call 08169126032*.
Check my new project corperdiary.com
This is part of our mission at Global Mirrow, we publicise educative, informative and inspiring ideas that will have long lasting impacts on our Readers. Submit your own invented article to watchore2010@yahoo.com, or 08085762123.At Global Mirrow, we believe in invention!
Shifting your focus to the positive can dramatically improve your happiness and self-esteem.
*No matter where you are and what you are now, your focus can be shifted to something positive by spending a few minutes a day focusing on youself and what you can do to make your life better*.
There are lessons in every opportunity missed and taken, in every single person we encounter in our lives. Life will always offer you what you want if you will stay positive in every challenge. I Want To Be Part Of Your Success Story.
Good Morning!
For "Students' Academic Performance Improvement Seminar" Contact us at Seravision Brooks on 08169126032. You can also order for my best selling book "Maximize Your Potential For Academic Excellence" via the same number.
*Vincent Adeoba is the Most Sought After Youth Motivational Speaker in Nigeria. To book him for speaking engagement, call 08169126032*.
Check my new project corperdiary.com
This is part of our mission at Global Mirrow, we publicise educative, informative and inspiring ideas that will have long lasting impacts on our Readers. Submit your own invented article to watchore2010@yahoo.com, or 08085762123.At Global Mirrow, we believe in invention!
Sunday, 3 July 2016
"Young people often ask me to mentor them. Business owners and entrepreneurs typically want to know how I built Alder Consulting and what motivates me to succeed. I wrote my books to help answer these questions.
In my books I have taken the time to break down business and career principles in simple prose. If you read them and follow my thoughts on social media, you will receive a treasure trove of mentoring." Leke Alder
To order Leke Alder's books on business, please call 08050515791 or 09086119659 on Monday - Friday (9am to 5pm) or kindly visit: store.lekealder.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=33_59-
"Young people often ask me to mentor them. Business owners and entrepreneurs typically want to know how I built Alder Consulting and what motivates me to succeed. I wrote my books to help answer these questions.
In my books I have taken the time to break down business and career principles in simple prose. If you read them and follow my thoughts on social media, you will receive a treasure trove of mentoring." Leke Alder
To order Leke Alder's books on business, please call 08050515791 or 09086119659 on Monday - Friday (9am to 5pm) or kindly visit: store.lekealder.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=33_59-
July 3, 2016.
Chelsea official website
Antonio Conte’s Italian side were knocked out of the Euros yesterday in a quarterfinal clash against Germany.
His job with Italy is over, and he has a career to look ahead of with Chelsea. He revealed that the decision to leave wasn’t easy, but it isn’t one he regrets.
Speaking after Italy’s defeat in Bordeaux, Conte said: “The decision to leave the national team after two years was taken early and I don’t deny there were moments when I’d have liked to have the opportunity to continue.
“But, because of certain developments, I wasn’t able to go back on that.”
“In November I thought I was continuing with the national side,” he added. “Then I told the president of the Italian football federation of the great opportunity to join Chelsea Football Club.
“I wanted to return to the cut and thrust of club football. Now, I have the opportunity to start this exciting adventure.”
Conte reveals that he is planning to take a week off before starting his work at Stamford Bridge, and when asked if he might coach the Azzurri again in the future, he said his future is with Chelsea.
“I think it’s impossible,” he said. “My future lies in working at club level, my future’s with Chelsea.
“Now I’ll take seven days off to charge my batteries and shift a bit of this disappointment before taking over at Chelsea. I know it will be a difficult challenge but it’s one I will cherish.”
Despite defeat at the hands of Germany, Conte was proud of his players, and revealed that they had given everything.
“Against a strong side, we demonstrated that this is a tough team who all our opponents respected lot,” said Conte.
“The national team gives you emotion and stimuli and I hope this European Championship will leave a legacy of love for the shirts we were wearing.
“I think the biggest victory for me is having worked with this group of lads. From the kit men to the cooks – everybody who was part of this marvellous experience, this is what has given me the greatest satisfaction.
“I had the honour of working with these people, who gave me everything.
“When you do everything, nobody can criticise you at all, and these lads went beyond the call of duty, giving absolutely everything, and I think people recognise this.”
July 3, 2016.
Chelsea official website
Antonio Conte’s Italian side were knocked out of the Euros yesterday in a quarterfinal clash against Germany.
His job with Italy is over, and he has a career to look ahead of with Chelsea. He revealed that the decision to leave wasn’t easy, but it isn’t one he regrets.
Speaking after Italy’s defeat in Bordeaux, Conte said: “The decision to leave the national team after two years was taken early and I don’t deny there were moments when I’d have liked to have the opportunity to continue.
“But, because of certain developments, I wasn’t able to go back on that.”
“In November I thought I was continuing with the national side,” he added. “Then I told the president of the Italian football federation of the great opportunity to join Chelsea Football Club.
“I wanted to return to the cut and thrust of club football. Now, I have the opportunity to start this exciting adventure.”
Conte reveals that he is planning to take a week off before starting his work at Stamford Bridge, and when asked if he might coach the Azzurri again in the future, he said his future is with Chelsea.
“I think it’s impossible,” he said. “My future lies in working at club level, my future’s with Chelsea.
“Now I’ll take seven days off to charge my batteries and shift a bit of this disappointment before taking over at Chelsea. I know it will be a difficult challenge but it’s one I will cherish.”
Despite defeat at the hands of Germany, Conte was proud of his players, and revealed that they had given everything.
“Against a strong side, we demonstrated that this is a tough team who all our opponents respected lot,” said Conte.
“The national team gives you emotion and stimuli and I hope this European Championship will leave a legacy of love for the shirts we were wearing.
“I think the biggest victory for me is having worked with this group of lads. From the kit men to the cooks – everybody who was part of this marvellous experience, this is what has given me the greatest satisfaction.
“I had the honour of working with these people, who gave me everything.
“When you do everything, nobody can criticise you at all, and these lads went beyond the call of duty, giving absolutely everything, and I think people recognise this.”
Have you ever heard of Leke Alder ( Alder Consulting)?
Leke Alder (born Samuel Oluwaleke Alder ) is the founder and principal of Alder Consulting, a Nigerian branding firm
with offices in Lagos and London. He is credited with introducing branding as a discipline to Nigeria and has
consulted on policy, politics and business at the highest levels locally and internationally. He has consulted on policy
formulation for the federal government of Nigeria, the federal ministries of Information & Communication,
Education, Foreign Affairs, Solid Minerals Development. He has also consulted on political strategy and communication
campaigns at national and sub-national levels.
[1][2][3[This is Part 3 of the serialised business lecture. For parts 1 & 2 please go to myilluminare.com]
Today we focus on the famous Parable of the Talents. It is the second parable in Matthew 25. “Talent” in the Parable of the Talents does not refer to singing, artistic talent and the like. It’s a unit of economic value, the weight of gold. In other words, we could title the parable, Parable of the Dollar, or Parable of the Pound, or Parable of the Euro.
The illustration is straightforward. It’s the story of a venture capitalist, a Master who invests in three fresh and untested entrepreneurs. He gave them opportunity. After some time he came back for a business review session with the three, and on the basis of the financial reports presented re-allocated capital. So we do know God the Businessman allocates and re-allocates capital. You need to understand the psyche of God the Businessman. Ironically the servant who gave us insight into this psyche was the third servant, the one who didn’t make use of the capital allocated to him. This is how the gentleman describes him: “I knew you to be a harsh and hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you had not winnowed.” (Matthew 25:24 AMP) The Message bible puts it this way: “I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error.”
These are thus the characteristics of God the Businessman:
1. He has very high standards
2. He hates carelessness in business
3. He zero tolerance for error
4. He hates disappointment
5. He wants his money intact
6. He’s a hard-nosed businessman
7. He disdains over-cautiousness
It’s interesting the Master never denied these psychographic traits. Instead he affirmed them telling the servant they should have informed his business decisions.
This Master has an investment strategy. And there are three things to note about that investment strategy:
1. He invests in people not business ideas
2. He doesn’t invest in business, he manages a financial portfolio
3. He takes only financial risk not business risk
These are emergent facts from the parable.
God invested in those three young entrepreneurs without showing interest in their individual business ideas. He was never interested in the individual businesses pursued by each servant. He never asked them what business they would like to go into, never asked them to submit their business plans to him. Those are not his concern, those are our concern. You have to take a decision on what business you want to go into. The question of “Should I go into this line of business or not,” is a not a question for determination by a pastor. You have to take responsibility for your business decision and ideas. What God is saying in essence is, I believe in you! He believes you can run a sound business, create a profitable brand. There’s a presumption of ability God has made about you. As far as God is concerned you have what it takes to make it until YOU prove otherwise.
But he knows no matter how wonderful a business opportunity or idea might be, if the person is wrong the enterprise won’t be right! Money will be wasted. If the man is not alright the enterprise will not be okay. So, develop your potential and capacity, and reinforce your values.
Our third observation is that God takes financial risk not business risk. He’s a venture capitalist not an incubator. He trades in finance, like a banker. He’s not interested in the nitty gritty of your business. That’s your business. And that’s why it is said he broods no excuse. He just wants earnings on his capital invested.
But the parable also gives us insight into the two parameters used by God in allocating capital:
1. The first parameter is potential. God allocated money to the servants according to their potential capacities and abilities, not according to sentiment, not according to fasting, not according to prayer. If you don’t develop your potential in business management, God won’t allocate capital to you. Attend seminars, read business books, learn to read financials, business journals, watch business TV, familiarize yourself with the technical jargon of freemarkets, develop your potential.
2. The second basis for allocation of capital is DEMONSTRATED ability. It’s why capital was re-allocated from the man who made no use of his capital, and transferred to the man who made use of his capital. Demonstrated ability. This is why some people can’t understand why God keeps blessing the business of someone they consider “unspiritual.” It’s capacity God is looking at. And that’s not saying we should be carnal. I’m just explaining a phenomenon. It’s important you understand how God reasons when it comes to business. He’s pretty serious about economic resources.
Now, let’s look at the issue of profit. The servants that were commended in the parable were those who made maximum profit on their enterprise. As it is written, “The first servant went to work and doubled his master’s investment.” And his master commended him. Ditto the second. We can reasonably conclude that 100% return on investment is permissible. Stop feeling guilty about making profit. That guilt is not from God, it’s from the devil, and it’s religiosity. God is not against the profit motive. In actual fact the man God had a problem with was the one who made no profit. You’re not running a business if you’re not profit-oriented. Your aim should be to double the investment of your Master. That’s how to impress God in business. Profit motive is critical in business.
But what is the minimum profit allowed? The answer is in the parable. When the Master rebuked the servant who returned his money intact, he said, “The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest.” In other words the least return on investment God expects on his capital is the prevailing interest rate on fixed deposit! That should provide some guidance on your pricing strategy. You shouldn’t be afraid of making money. God expects it of you.
If you’ll like to give your life to Christ please pray this prayer: “Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I know that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for me and that you raised him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Christ is Lord and I receive him as my Lord and my Saviour. I am now born again. Amen.”
© #Illuminare | talk2me@lekealder.com
with offices in Lagos and London. He is credited with introducing branding as a discipline to Nigeria and has
consulted on policy, politics and business at the highest levels locally and internationally. He has consulted on policy
formulation for the federal government of Nigeria, the federal ministries of Information & Communication,
Education, Foreign Affairs, Solid Minerals Development. He has also consulted on political strategy and communication
campaigns at national and sub-national levels.
[1][2][3[This is Part 3 of the serialised business lecture. For parts 1 & 2 please go to myilluminare.com]
Today we focus on the famous Parable of the Talents. It is the second parable in Matthew 25. “Talent” in the Parable of the Talents does not refer to singing, artistic talent and the like. It’s a unit of economic value, the weight of gold. In other words, we could title the parable, Parable of the Dollar, or Parable of the Pound, or Parable of the Euro.
The illustration is straightforward. It’s the story of a venture capitalist, a Master who invests in three fresh and untested entrepreneurs. He gave them opportunity. After some time he came back for a business review session with the three, and on the basis of the financial reports presented re-allocated capital. So we do know God the Businessman allocates and re-allocates capital. You need to understand the psyche of God the Businessman. Ironically the servant who gave us insight into this psyche was the third servant, the one who didn’t make use of the capital allocated to him. This is how the gentleman describes him: “I knew you to be a harsh and hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you had not winnowed.” (Matthew 25:24 AMP) The Message bible puts it this way: “I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error.”
These are thus the characteristics of God the Businessman:
1. He has very high standards
2. He hates carelessness in business
3. He zero tolerance for error
4. He hates disappointment
5. He wants his money intact
6. He’s a hard-nosed businessman
7. He disdains over-cautiousness
It’s interesting the Master never denied these psychographic traits. Instead he affirmed them telling the servant they should have informed his business decisions.
This Master has an investment strategy. And there are three things to note about that investment strategy:
1. He invests in people not business ideas
2. He doesn’t invest in business, he manages a financial portfolio
3. He takes only financial risk not business risk
These are emergent facts from the parable.
God invested in those three young entrepreneurs without showing interest in their individual business ideas. He was never interested in the individual businesses pursued by each servant. He never asked them what business they would like to go into, never asked them to submit their business plans to him. Those are not his concern, those are our concern. You have to take a decision on what business you want to go into. The question of “Should I go into this line of business or not,” is a not a question for determination by a pastor. You have to take responsibility for your business decision and ideas. What God is saying in essence is, I believe in you! He believes you can run a sound business, create a profitable brand. There’s a presumption of ability God has made about you. As far as God is concerned you have what it takes to make it until YOU prove otherwise.
But he knows no matter how wonderful a business opportunity or idea might be, if the person is wrong the enterprise won’t be right! Money will be wasted. If the man is not alright the enterprise will not be okay. So, develop your potential and capacity, and reinforce your values.
Our third observation is that God takes financial risk not business risk. He’s a venture capitalist not an incubator. He trades in finance, like a banker. He’s not interested in the nitty gritty of your business. That’s your business. And that’s why it is said he broods no excuse. He just wants earnings on his capital invested.
But the parable also gives us insight into the two parameters used by God in allocating capital:
1. The first parameter is potential. God allocated money to the servants according to their potential capacities and abilities, not according to sentiment, not according to fasting, not according to prayer. If you don’t develop your potential in business management, God won’t allocate capital to you. Attend seminars, read business books, learn to read financials, business journals, watch business TV, familiarize yourself with the technical jargon of freemarkets, develop your potential.
2. The second basis for allocation of capital is DEMONSTRATED ability. It’s why capital was re-allocated from the man who made no use of his capital, and transferred to the man who made use of his capital. Demonstrated ability. This is why some people can’t understand why God keeps blessing the business of someone they consider “unspiritual.” It’s capacity God is looking at. And that’s not saying we should be carnal. I’m just explaining a phenomenon. It’s important you understand how God reasons when it comes to business. He’s pretty serious about economic resources.
Now, let’s look at the issue of profit. The servants that were commended in the parable were those who made maximum profit on their enterprise. As it is written, “The first servant went to work and doubled his master’s investment.” And his master commended him. Ditto the second. We can reasonably conclude that 100% return on investment is permissible. Stop feeling guilty about making profit. That guilt is not from God, it’s from the devil, and it’s religiosity. God is not against the profit motive. In actual fact the man God had a problem with was the one who made no profit. You’re not running a business if you’re not profit-oriented. Your aim should be to double the investment of your Master. That’s how to impress God in business. Profit motive is critical in business.
But what is the minimum profit allowed? The answer is in the parable. When the Master rebuked the servant who returned his money intact, he said, “The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest.” In other words the least return on investment God expects on his capital is the prevailing interest rate on fixed deposit! That should provide some guidance on your pricing strategy. You shouldn’t be afraid of making money. God expects it of you.
If you’ll like to give your life to Christ please pray this prayer: “Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I know that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for me and that you raised him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Christ is Lord and I receive him as my Lord and my Saviour. I am now born again. Amen.”
© #Illuminare | talk2me@lekealder.com
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Kunle Afod Caught making love with Toyin Aimakhu in US
Kunle Afod Teams up with Toyin Aimakhu in his new movie titled “US”.
It was written, directed and produced by Kunle Afod and delivers a story line that would draw emotions from viewers.
Its a romantic drama that would get you thinking deep about the word,” LOVE”.
Kunle Afod Teams up with Toyin Aimakhu in his new movie titled “US”.
It was written, directed and produced by Kunle Afod and delivers a story line that would draw emotions from viewers.
Its a romantic drama that would get you thinking deep about the word,” LOVE”.
I’ve not received salary since August 2010 – Aregbesola
As a means to ensure development of Osun State, Governor Rauf Aregbesola has said that he stopped receiving salaries since August, 2010.
He said this while hosting journalist on special Iftaar at the Government House, Osogbo, late Tuesday night.
The governor noted that, though that was a tough decision for him, he had to take the decision for the state to develop.
He subsequently noted that the state government would ensure the payment of salaries to workers before Eid-fitri.
Aregbesola said that he only enjoyed free accommodation, fuelling of his vehicles and the provision of security aides by the state government since emergence of office as a governor.
While urging Nigerians to bear with the current government over economic challenges, Aregbesola said the economic condition of the country during the civil war was not as biting as what Nigeria experienced now.
He said, “I used to say it, you people do not believe it. The state provides accommodation for me; the state fuels my vehicle, takes care of the security for me but I have not taken salary from the day I became the governor and I don’t intend to take it.
“Nobody has ever asked us how we are managing to pay salaries since we started getting less than N200million as allocation since September 2015. N1.7 billion is spent on workers’ salaries every month. By God’s grace, I am going to pay my workers’ salaries before Sallah.”
Aregbesola also assured that his administration would complete all the projects it had embarked upon before the end of his tenure in 2018.
While berating the critics of his administration’s policies, the governor said, “Instead of supporting a man that is turning around the state, you are stabbing us. No amount of attacks will dissuade us from achieving our plans. We will not leave our plans without actualizing them. We shall complete all our projects. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”
On how he was able to mobilise contractors back to the sites of the ongoing road projects in the state, he said, “I will tell Nigerians how I got money to mobilise contractors to site and how I was able to solve some financial problems in the state when I would be marking the second anniversary of my second tenure in November 27, 2016.
“Some insinuated that I used local government allocations. The truth is that, there is no tier or arm of government that is getting anything that could pay salaries.
“Even the civil war was not as biting as what we are facing in Nigeria now; because they did not declare economic state of emergency in Nigeria does not mean that Nigeria is not near to that.”
As a means to ensure development of Osun State, Governor Rauf Aregbesola has said that he stopped receiving salaries since August, 2010.
He said this while hosting journalist on special Iftaar at the Government House, Osogbo, late Tuesday night.
The governor noted that, though that was a tough decision for him, he had to take the decision for the state to develop.
He subsequently noted that the state government would ensure the payment of salaries to workers before Eid-fitri.
Aregbesola said that he only enjoyed free accommodation, fuelling of his vehicles and the provision of security aides by the state government since emergence of office as a governor.
While urging Nigerians to bear with the current government over economic challenges, Aregbesola said the economic condition of the country during the civil war was not as biting as what Nigeria experienced now.
He said, “I used to say it, you people do not believe it. The state provides accommodation for me; the state fuels my vehicle, takes care of the security for me but I have not taken salary from the day I became the governor and I don’t intend to take it.
“Nobody has ever asked us how we are managing to pay salaries since we started getting less than N200million as allocation since September 2015. N1.7 billion is spent on workers’ salaries every month. By God’s grace, I am going to pay my workers’ salaries before Sallah.”
Aregbesola also assured that his administration would complete all the projects it had embarked upon before the end of his tenure in 2018.
While berating the critics of his administration’s policies, the governor said, “Instead of supporting a man that is turning around the state, you are stabbing us. No amount of attacks will dissuade us from achieving our plans. We will not leave our plans without actualizing them. We shall complete all our projects. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”
On how he was able to mobilise contractors back to the sites of the ongoing road projects in the state, he said, “I will tell Nigerians how I got money to mobilise contractors to site and how I was able to solve some financial problems in the state when I would be marking the second anniversary of my second tenure in November 27, 2016.
“Some insinuated that I used local government allocations. The truth is that, there is no tier or arm of government that is getting anything that could pay salaries.
“Even the civil war was not as biting as what we are facing in Nigeria now; because they did not declare economic state of emergency in Nigeria does not mean that Nigeria is not near to that.”
Team Italy are out of Euro 2016
Internationals: Italy out
Italy’s involvement at Euro 2016 came to an end tonight (Saturday) as they were eliminated in cruel circumstances, beaten by Germany on penalties in Bordeaux following a 1-1 draw.
Antonio Conte’s side had shown tremendous character, fighting back to level after falling behind midway through the second half, but when it came down to penalties it was Germany who progressed as the shoot-out went into sudden death.
The first half of the game was dominated by the defensive players on show, with only two real chances to speak of, one at either end.
Thomas Muller was first to go close but the German couldn’t find a proper connection on his strike after the ball had bobbled around inside the Italy penalty area, and Gianluigi Buffon saved easily.
Moments later, at the other end, Conte’s side almost took the lead. Emanuele Giaccherini’s cross arrived at the back post but Alessandro Florenzi’s strike, which seemed destined for the back of the net, was deflected behind.
The deadlock was broken 20 minutes into the second half and it was Germany who struck first, Mesuz Ozil arriving in the box to fire home from Jonas Hector’s cross.
Three minutes later they should have extended their advantage but Mario Gomez was denied by a brilliant save after latching on to an Ozil flick.
With 13 minutes left to play, however, Italy were handed a lifeline when Jerome Boateng handled inside the penalty area.
It was defender Leonardo Bonucci tasked with taking the resulting penalty and he made no mistake, stepping up and calmly dispatching his kick to make it 1-1.
Another 30 minutes, in which there were a few half-chances, failed to separate the two sides so it was down to penalties.
After both teams had converted their first spot kicks, Simone Zaza blasted over the bar for Italy before Muller’s strike was saved by Buffon.
Italy restored their advantage and then Ozil, arguably Germany’s best player on the night, fired wide.
Graziano Pelle then sent his effort wide of Manuel Neuer’s right-hand post and Julian Draxler sent it to sudden death with a powerful drive.
Having scored from the spot in normal time, Bonucci saw his strike brilliantly saved by Neuer, but while Bastian Schweinsteiger knew a successful kick would send Germany through, he blasted high over the bar.
Both teams scored with their next three strikes, before Matteo Darmian’s effort was saved by Neuer, and it was Hector who sent Germany through to the semi-finals, where they will now play France or Iceland.
Italy’s involvement at Euro 2016 came to an end tonight (Saturday) as they were eliminated in cruel circumstances, beaten by Germany on penalties in Bordeaux following a 1-1 draw.
Antonio Conte’s side had shown tremendous character, fighting back to level after falling behind midway through the second half, but when it came down to penalties it was Germany who progressed as the shoot-out went into sudden death.
The first half of the game was dominated by the defensive players on show, with only two real chances to speak of, one at either end.
Thomas Muller was first to go close but the German couldn’t find a proper connection on his strike after the ball had bobbled around inside the Italy penalty area, and Gianluigi Buffon saved easily.
Moments later, at the other end, Conte’s side almost took the lead. Emanuele Giaccherini’s cross arrived at the back post but Alessandro Florenzi’s strike, which seemed destined for the back of the net, was deflected behind.
The deadlock was broken 20 minutes into the second half and it was Germany who struck first, Mesuz Ozil arriving in the box to fire home from Jonas Hector’s cross.
Three minutes later they should have extended their advantage but Mario Gomez was denied by a brilliant save after latching on to an Ozil flick.
With 13 minutes left to play, however, Italy were handed a lifeline when Jerome Boateng handled inside the penalty area.
It was defender Leonardo Bonucci tasked with taking the resulting penalty and he made no mistake, stepping up and calmly dispatching his kick to make it 1-1.
Another 30 minutes, in which there were a few half-chances, failed to separate the two sides so it was down to penalties.
After both teams had converted their first spot kicks, Simone Zaza blasted over the bar for Italy before Muller’s strike was saved by Buffon.
Italy restored their advantage and then Ozil, arguably Germany’s best player on the night, fired wide.
Graziano Pelle then sent his effort wide of Manuel Neuer’s right-hand post and Julian Draxler sent it to sudden death with a powerful drive.
Having scored from the spot in normal time, Bonucci saw his strike brilliantly saved by Neuer, but while Bastian Schweinsteiger knew a successful kick would send Germany through, he blasted high over the bar.
Both teams scored with their next three strikes, before Matteo Darmian’s effort was saved by Neuer, and it was Hector who sent Germany through to the semi-finals, where they will now play France or Iceland.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Simi Speaks On Life, Love & Music - Best Advice I Ever Received Was To Stay Hungry
has said that the best advice she ever
received was to stay hungry and never
get complacent or carried away then
stop working hard. She spoke on this in
a recent 20 questions quick chat with
Genevieve magazine, where she
touched on her relationship status,
music career among others.
Read excerpts of from short interview:
•On her best ever advice
Stay hungry. Don't ever get so
comfortable, that you stop pushing for
•On whether she is in a relationship
Yes, I am.
•Her bucket list
Swim with and kiss a dolphin.
•Her hero(es)
My mum. Strongest woman I know.
•Quote she lives by
Seize The Day.
•Most embarrassing TV moment
I tripped while performing at a
televised event.
Internationals: Wales knock Belgium out of Euros
Internationals: Wales knock Belgium out
Eden Hazard and Thibaut Courtois’ quest to win the European Championships is over after Belgium were beaten by Wales in tonight’s quarter-final.
Belgium started well in Lille and took the lead with Hazard claiming his fourth assist of the tournament – the highest number of any player at a Euros since 2000 – but Wales grew into the game and deservedly progressed. They will meet Portugal in Wednesday’s semi-final.
As early as the seventh minute Belgium had three shots dramatically blocked by some last-ditch Welsh defending, Hazard the third man denied seeing his goalbound strike deflected over the bar. It was Hazard who had started the move inside his own half with former Blues Kevin De Bruyne and Romelu Lukaku also involved.
Gareth Bale hit the side netting soon after but the warning signs had been served and on 13 minutes Belgium seized the initiative.
Hazard toyed with a number of Welsh players attracted to him wide on the left before inviting Radja Nainggolan to have a pop from range with a nicely weighted pass. The Roma man needed no second invitation thrashing his effort into the top corner from a good 25 yards out.
Belgium’s threat continued with three Welsh defenders going into the book for cynical fouls, but Chris Coleman's side fought back and thought they were level through Neil Taylor, only for Courtois to produce one of the saves of the tournament low to his right. World-class reactions were required to keep out the well-hit close-range shot.
There was nothing our keeper could do to stop the equaliser on the half-hour, though. Ashley Williams found himself completely unmarked at a corner and guided his header into the corner past De Bruyne who had drifted away from the post he was guarding.
Courtois got down low to save from Bale at the end of a driving run and it was Wales who finished a thrilling half on top stretching Belgium’s makeshift defence – without the suspended Thomas Vermaelen and injured Jan Vertonghen - to the limit.
Belgium’s start to the second half was a good one with Lukaku heading a very presentable chance wide and then Hazard cutting inside in trademark style but flashing his strike a fraction past the post.
But Wales remained dangerous and took the lead on 55 minutes through the unattached Hal Robson-Kanu. His superb Cruyff turn took three Belgian defenders out of the game and allowed him the simple task of placing the ball past the stranded Courtois.
Sub Marouane Fellaini headed another very good aerial opportunity wide and Wales were fortunate twice in quick succession late on, first when Ben Davies was not shown a second yellow for tripping Lukaku and then when Williams fouled Nainggolan in the box but the ref waved Belgium’s appeals away.
Belgium’s frustration was compounded with five minutes to go when Sam Vokes delicately glanced a flighted cross past Courtois making it 3-1. It was another exceptionally well-taken goal and confirmed the end of Chelsea players’ involvement at this tournament. Our incoming manager Antonio Conte will hope to lead Italy into the last four when they play Germany tomorrow evening in Bordeaux.
Eden Hazard and Thibaut Courtois’ quest to win the European Championships is over after Belgium were beaten by Wales in tonight’s quarter-final.
Belgium started well in Lille and took the lead with Hazard claiming his fourth assist of the tournament – the highest number of any player at a Euros since 2000 – but Wales grew into the game and deservedly progressed. They will meet Portugal in Wednesday’s semi-final.
As early as the seventh minute Belgium had three shots dramatically blocked by some last-ditch Welsh defending, Hazard the third man denied seeing his goalbound strike deflected over the bar. It was Hazard who had started the move inside his own half with former Blues Kevin De Bruyne and Romelu Lukaku also involved.
Gareth Bale hit the side netting soon after but the warning signs had been served and on 13 minutes Belgium seized the initiative.
Hazard toyed with a number of Welsh players attracted to him wide on the left before inviting Radja Nainggolan to have a pop from range with a nicely weighted pass. The Roma man needed no second invitation thrashing his effort into the top corner from a good 25 yards out.
Belgium’s threat continued with three Welsh defenders going into the book for cynical fouls, but Chris Coleman's side fought back and thought they were level through Neil Taylor, only for Courtois to produce one of the saves of the tournament low to his right. World-class reactions were required to keep out the well-hit close-range shot.
There was nothing our keeper could do to stop the equaliser on the half-hour, though. Ashley Williams found himself completely unmarked at a corner and guided his header into the corner past De Bruyne who had drifted away from the post he was guarding.
Courtois got down low to save from Bale at the end of a driving run and it was Wales who finished a thrilling half on top stretching Belgium’s makeshift defence – without the suspended Thomas Vermaelen and injured Jan Vertonghen - to the limit.
Belgium’s start to the second half was a good one with Lukaku heading a very presentable chance wide and then Hazard cutting inside in trademark style but flashing his strike a fraction past the post.
But Wales remained dangerous and took the lead on 55 minutes through the unattached Hal Robson-Kanu. His superb Cruyff turn took three Belgian defenders out of the game and allowed him the simple task of placing the ball past the stranded Courtois.
Sub Marouane Fellaini headed another very good aerial opportunity wide and Wales were fortunate twice in quick succession late on, first when Ben Davies was not shown a second yellow for tripping Lukaku and then when Williams fouled Nainggolan in the box but the ref waved Belgium’s appeals away.
Belgium’s frustration was compounded with five minutes to go when Sam Vokes delicately glanced a flighted cross past Courtois making it 3-1. It was another exceptionally well-taken goal and confirmed the end of Chelsea players’ involvement at this tournament. Our incoming manager Antonio Conte will hope to lead Italy into the last four when they play Germany tomorrow evening in Bordeaux.
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